Life After Death | 2

“There’s an old belief here: In the netherworld, the dead person will keep walking until he’s very thirsty and hungry. There’s an old lady at the end of the walk, selling porridge. The porridge, once eaten, will make you forget everything about the world, your life before death, all your loved ones.

“[My husband] always said to me, ‘no matter how hungry and thirsty I am, I will not eat or drink that porridge. Otherwise, I won’t be able to remember you.’

Life After Death | 1

“Right after he died, every night I dreamt of him. I saw him. I was washing his hair. I was helping him take a pee. I was piggy-backing him. Sometimes he asks me for money to play cards. Sometimes we speak, sometimes we don’t. For the past month, I haven’t seen him as much...

“When he was still alive, since last year or so, I had a recurring dream. He and I would be out strolling together happily. We’d walk and walk and then in the end it would be just me walking by myself. And I could not find him no matter how I tried.

‘Personal Media’ in China Takes a Hit From Pre-Publication Censorship

Observers have long thought that Chinese authorities censor the media depending on type: the censorship of traditional media is primarily conducted in advance, with a thorough inspection of news and discussion before publication; new media, in contrast, is primarily censored or penalized after the fact, in a “relatively mild” fashion.

The Chinese Road to Paris 2015

Beginning on November 30, Paris will host the 21st session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework on Climate Change (COP21). Whatever progress is made toward the parties’ agreement on a path forward will depend in large part on China, now the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases. Use these graphs to get a quick, colorful handle on the history of COP21 and how China fits into it.