What Would a Larger Chinese Presence Mean for the Middle East?
China’s steady expansion of its Middle East footprint and influence poses significant questions for U.S. policymakers. The Middle East has long been a battleground for strategic competition between both regional and global powers. Is it poised to...
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08.22.17After U.S. Destroyer Collision, Chinese Paper Says U.S. Navy a Hazard
The U.S. navy’s latest collision at sea, the fourth in its Pacific fleet this year, shows it is becoming an increasing risk to shipping in Asia despite its claims of helping to protect freedom of navigation, an official Chinese newspaper said.
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02.04.17These American-Made Ford Raptor Pickups Are Shipping off to China
In a move that is sure to make President Trump happy, Ford is shipping a boatload of F-150 Raptor pickup trucks. Company reps are very excited to be sending American-made trucks over to China instead of the other way around.
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11.16.16China’s Arctic Ambitions Take Shape in Remote Iceland Valley
Washington Post
In a valley near the Arctic Circle where the wind whips the coarse yellow grass, China and Iceland are preparing to look to the sky — and a shared future
China is Demanding Cleaner Shipping—So Should the Rest of the World
from chinadialogue
Last year, in response to growing awareness of severe air pollution problems in China’s coastal cities, the Chinese government adopted a ground-breaking program to cut pollution from ships. At its core is a commitment to reduce the sulfur content of...
Escalation in the South China Sea
International tensions are rising over the shipping lanes and land formations in the South China Sea. Last week, the People’s Liberation Army Air Force scrambled fighter jets in response to a U.S. Navy ship sailing near the disputed Fiery Cross Reef...
How Close Was the Latest Close Call in the South China Sea?
Had things in fact calmed down in recent weeks as the Chinese official press claimed, only to be stirred up again needlessly by another Freedom of Navigation sail by the U.S. Navy?
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11.27.15China to Build Naval Hub in Djibouti
Wall Street Journal
Beijing confirms for the first time plans for East African nation, already home to U.S. base.
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06.15.15Nicaragua Canal Protest: Thousands Oppose Atlantic-Pacific
Some protesters, who were mostly farmers, accused President Daniel Ortega of selling Nicaragua to the Chinese.
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06.05.15Survivor Accounts Raise Questions About Yangtze Ship’s Final Moments
New York Times
Four days after the ship, the Oriental Star, flipped over in a ferocious storm, leaving 442 dead or missing.
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06.04.15China Tries To Put A More Positive Spin On Cruise Ship Sinking
Dozens are confirmed dead and the number is expected to pass 400.
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06.03.15Divers Comb Capsized China Ship, Hopes Fade for Survivors
Rescuers have not slackened off, even though about 200 divers face difficulties such as cabin doors blocked by tables and beds.
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08.18.14Can Enigmatic Chinese Businessman Complete Nicaraguan Canal?
International Business Times
As Nicaragua granted a 50-year concession to a new development authority that would build a canal through the country, President Daniel Ortega celebrated a moment that would cement “total and complete independence.”
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05.04.14China's 'Ordinary' Billionaire Behind Grand Nicaragua Canal Plan
Wang Jing, the businessman behind Nicaragua's $50 billion Interoceanic Grand Canal, insistis he's not an agent of the Beijing government.
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04.24.14China Court Frees Japanese Ship After Unprecedented Seizure
A Chinese court released a Japanese ship owned by Mitsui O.S.K. Lines Ltd. after the cargo carrier paid compensation for the loss of two vessels leased from a Chinese company before the two countries went to war in 1937.