What Are the Right and the Wrong Ways for the U.S. to Support Taiwan?
What are the right and wrong ways for the U.S. to support Taiwan? Traditionally, America’s goals have been to deter the mainland from aggression and coercion, support Taiwan’s democratic system, strengthen economic ties, and help it maintain...
What Does Beijing Want from the Pacific Islands?
In late September, Pacific Island countries the Solomon Islands and Kiribati switched their diplomatic allegiances from Taiwan to China. That month, a Beijing-based company signed a secretive deal granting it exclusive development rights for the...
What Would a Larger Chinese Presence Mean for the Middle East?
China’s steady expansion of its Middle East footprint and influence poses significant questions for U.S. policymakers. The Middle East has long been a battleground for strategic competition between both regional and global powers. Is it poised to...
The Future of China-U.S. Military Relations
The U.S.-China military relationship has been relatively stable over the past few years. Both sides’ leaders recognize that effective relations between the two militaries help prevent crises and stabilize the broader bilateral relationship. Events...
China in the World Podcast
Devising a New Formula for Global Leadership
from Carnegie China
Yan asserts the U.S.-China relationship is experiencing structural disruptions, the resolution of which will have a lasting impact on the two countries. He says the tensions in the U.S.-China relationship are primarily due to the narrowing gap...
ChinaFile Recommends
02.07.18China Is Placing Underwater Sensors in the Pacific near Guam
China’s official People’s Daily newspaper reported in December that Chinese scientists had lowered acoustic sensors into the Mariana Trench, at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.
ChinaFile Recommends
02.06.18Philippines’ Duterte Reneges on China Deal, Bans Foreign Research Ships
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has banned all foreign scientific research off the country’s Pacific coast and told the navy to chase away unauthorised vessels, despite earlier allowing Chinese oceanographers to operate there.
Is China Really a ‘Threat’ to the U.S.?
In a move presaging tougher policies towards China, the Department of Defense’s National Defense Strategy announced that the “revisionist powers” China and Russia are the “central challenge to U.S. prosperity and security.” And on January 22, Donald...
ChinaFile Recommends
12.14.17China Accuses US of Meddling over Potential US Navy Visits to Taiwan
Voice of America
China submitted an official protest with the United States Thursday after U.S
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09.25.17Live-Fire Show of Force by Troops from China’s First Overseas Military Base
South China Morning Post
The exercises in Djibouti on Friday involved dozens of officers and took place at the country’s national gendarmerie training range, the People’s Liberation Army Navy said in an online report.
Is the United States Still the Predominant Power in the Pacific?
In late August, a U.S. destroyer collided with an oil tanker—the fourth such accident for the U.S. Navy in Asia since January. Meanwhile, President Donald Trump has increased troop commitments in Afghanistan, threatened to strike North Korea with “...
ChinaFile Recommends
08.23.17If a Crisis Shuts down the South China Sea, Here Are the Losers — and a Few Winners
Several industries are trying to assess what open confrontation in the South China Sea would cost them, and a lot of them don't like what they’re finding. The world’s second–largest economy is getting more wary — and...
ChinaFile Recommends
08.22.17After U.S. Destroyer Collision, Chinese Paper Says U.S. Navy a Hazard
The U.S. navy’s latest collision at sea, the fourth in its Pacific fleet this year, shows it is becoming an increasing risk to shipping in Asia despite its claims of helping to protect freedom of navigation, an official Chinese newspaper said.
ChinaFile Recommends
07.27.17What If Trump Ordered a Nuclear Strike on China? I’d Comply, Says Admiral
New York Times
The commander of the United States Pacific Fleet was asked a hypothetical question during a talk on Thursday in Australia: If President Trump ordered a nuclear strike on China, would he comply? “The answer would be yes,” the commander, Adm. Scott H...
ChinaFile Recommends
07.25.17As India and China Face Off in the Mountains, a New Confrontation Is Growing in the Ocean
India-China ties, already weighed down by a Himalayan border dispute, are set for further pressure amid territorial concerns in the Indian Ocean. Beijing has been expanding its naval presence there, triggering worry from New Delhi.
ChinaFile Recommends
07.11.17US, India and Japan Begin Naval Exercises, as China Looks On
A rising Chinese presence in the Indian Ocean has prompted the largest naval exercise the region has seen in more than two decades. The United States, Japan and India have deployed front-line warships, submarines, and aircraft as part of the tri-...
ChinaFile Recommends
07.10.17Take a Tour of China’s First Aircraft Carrier, a Secondhand Soviet-Era Ship Now in Hong Kong
China’s first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, was open to the public for the first time this past weekend. The event took place in Hong Kong as part of the 20th anniversary marking the city’s handover to Chinese rule.
ChinaFile Recommends
06.19.17China May Soon Establish Naval Base in U.S. Ally Pakistan
NBC News
Nuclear-armed Pakistan is a key ally of the United States — but the relationship is far from untroubled. And one of Washington's main geopolitical rivals appears ready to step in.
ChinaFile Recommends
06.08.17China Likely to Set up Military Base in Pakistan – Pentagon
The report from the Pentagon predicts China will expand its military prowess after the construction of its first overseas naval base in Djibouti, a strategic location at the southern entrance to the Red Sea on the route to the Suez Canal.
ChinaFile Recommends
05.25.17South China Sea: U.S. Warship Challenges China’s Claims with First Operation under Trump
A U.S. Navy destroyer has sailed close to a disputed South China Sea island controlled by China for the first time under U.S. President Donald Trump.
ChinaFile Recommends
05.22.17Why China Still Can’t Beat U.S. to Become the World’s Most Powerful Navy
South China Morning Post
China will eventually become the world’s No 2 aircraft carrier power, trailing only the United States, but its carrier strike group air crews are still far below international standard, military experts say.
ChinaFile Recommends
05.18.17Taiwan’s Failure to Face the Threat from China
New York Times
China’s aggression in the Asia-Pacific region has been met with little tangible response from the United States and other countries. China’s neighbors have acquiesced to Beijing’s claims to the airspace above the East China Sea and have stood by as...
ChinaFile Recommends
05.11.17Sri Lanka Rejects Chinese Request for Submarine Visit: Sources
Sri Lanka has rejected China’s request to dock one of its submarines in Colombo this month, two senior government officials said on Thursday as the Indian prime minister who worries about growing Chinese activity in a country it has long viewed as...
ChinaFile Recommends
05.08.17China Coast Guard’s New ‘Monster’ Ship Completes Maiden Patrol in South China Sea
The world’s largest coast guard vessel, the 12,000-ton China Coast Guard (CCG) cutter 3901, has successfully completed its first patrol in the South China Sea this month, according to Chinese government reports.
ChinaFile Recommends
04.24.17Made-In-China Aircraft Carrier Is Readied for Launch
South China Morning Post
China was making final preparations to launch its first domestically built aircraft carrier as it marked the 68th anniversary of the founding of the PLA Navy on Sunday.
The NYRB China Archive
Recreating China’s Imagined Empire
from New York Review of Books
China’s influence in the world has become a persistent theme of these early days of the Donald Trump era. During his campaign, Trump portrayed China (not entirely incorrectly) as the leading malefactor in the politics of international trade—holding...
ChinaFile Recommends
04.17.17China and Russia Send Intelligence-Gathering Vessels to ‘Chase’ Trump’s ‘Armada’ to North Korean Waters
Daily Mail
China and Russia have sent intelligence-gathering vessels to ‘chase’ Donald Trump’s armada to North Korean waters, it has been claimed.
ChinaFile Recommends
04.17.17China and Russia Send Intelligence-Gathering Vessels to ‘Chase’ Trump’s ‘Armada’ to North Korean Waters
Daily Mail
China and Russia have sent intelligence-gathering vessels to ‘chase’ Donald Trump’s armada to North Korean waters, it has been claimed.
ChinaFile Recommends
04.12.17North Korea Push Will Send U.S. Allies to China: Ex-CIA analyst
Donald Trump’s move against North Korea is set to send American allies like Japan and South Korea into China’s hands, giving the Asian giant a “once in a generation” opportunity in its push to become the world’s number one superpower, a former top...
ChinaFile Recommends
04.10.17U.S. Reroutes Warships toward Korean Peninsula in Show of Force
New York Times
The commander of American forces in the Pacific has ordered an aircraft carrier and several other warships toward the Korean Peninsula in a show of force by the Trump administration
ChinaFile Recommends
03.13.17Japan Plans to Send Largest Warship to South China Sea, Sources Say
China claims almost all the disputed waters and its growing military presence has fueled concern in Japan and the West, with the United States holding regular air and naval patrols to ensure freedom of navigation.
Is THAAD the Start of a U.S.-China Arms Race?
In late February, U.S. President Donald Trump called for adding $54 billion to the U.S. military budget—an increase of roughly 10 percent. And in early March, despite outcry from Beijing, the United States began deploying the Terminal High-Altitude...
ChinaFile Recommends
03.06.17China’s Modest Military Spending Hike Masks Bigger Goals
China’s announcement of the smallest percentage increase to its military budget since 2010—around 7% (to approximately $148 billion)—seems designed in part to project the image of being the sober, peaceful force in the Asia-Pacific sphere.
ChinaFile Recommends
03.02.17China Drills Again Near Taiwan as Island Warns of Threat
Chinese jets and warships carried out exercises near Taiwan and into the Western Pacific on Thursday, as the self-ruled island's defense minister warned of a growing threat from its giant neighbor.
ChinaFile Recommends
03.01.17The Army Gets Back in the Ship-Killing Business
Since1996, the Chinese military has steadily expanded its umbrella of land-based missiles, strike aircraft, and submarines designed to overwhelm both U.S. air bases and carrier strike groups.

Everything Under the Heavens
From the former New York Times Asia correspondent and author of China’s Second Continent, an incisive investigation of China’s ideological development as it becomes an ever more aggressive player in regional and global diplomacy.For many years after its reform and opening in 1978, China maintained an attitude of false modesty about its ambitions. That role, reports Howard French, has been set aside. China has asserted its place among the global heavyweights, revealing its plans for pan-Asian dominance by building its navy, increasing territorial claims to areas like the South China Sea, and diplomatically bullying smaller players. Underlying this attitude is a strain of thinking that casts China’s present-day actions in decidedly historical terms, as the path to restoring the dynastic glory of the past. If we understand how that historical identity relates to current actions, in ways ideological, philosophical, and even legal, we can learn to forecast just what kind of global power China stands to become–and to interact wisely with a future peer.Steeped in deeply researched history as well as on-the-ground reporting, this is French at his revelatory best. —Penguin Random House{chop}
ChinaFile Recommends
02.27.17China Is Likely to Ramp up Its Naval Abilities in Response to Trump’s Unpredictability
The PLA Navy is likely to secure significant new funding in China’s upcoming defense budget as Beijing seeks to check U.S. dominance of the high seas and step up its own projection of power around the globe.
ChinaFile Recommends
02.22.17South China Sea: U.S. Carrier Group Begins ‘Routine’ Patrols
U.S. aircraft carrier the USS Carl Vinson has started what it calls “routine operations” in the South China Sea, with a fleet of supporting warships.
ChinaFile Recommends
02.15.17China Warns U.S. against Fresh Naval Patrols in South China Sea
China’s Foreign Ministry on Wednesday warned Washington against challenging its sovereignty, responding to reports the United States was planning fresh naval patrols in the disputed South China Sea.
ChinaFile Recommends
02.10.17U.S., China Military Planes Come Inadvertently Close over South China Sea
A U.S. Navy P-3 plane and a Chinese military aircraft came close to each other over the South China Sea in an incident the Navy believes was inadvertent, a U.S. official told Reuters on Thursday.
ChinaFile Recommends
01.30.17Donald Trump Is Handing China the World
Daily Beast
While Trump focuses on building up the U.S. Navy to counter China, Beijing is gobbling up the other segments of global relations that used to be dominated by the U.S.
ChinaFile Recommends
01.24.17China Commissions 31st Stealth Warship
Chinese media have said the U.S. has to wage a war with China if America blocks it from accessing the artificial islands it has built in the contested South China Sea.
ChinaFile Recommends
01.13.17South China Sea: China Media Warn US over ‘Confrontation’
Blocking China from islands it has built in contested waters would lead to “devastating confrontation,” Chinese state media have warned.
ChinaFile Recommends
01.12.17Tillerson Channels Reagan on South China Sea
Lawfare Blog
Secretary of State nominee Rex Tillerson said that perhaps the United States should deny China access to its artificial islands in the South China Sea.
ChinaFile Recommends
01.12.17China Launches New Electronic Intelligence Naval Ship
China’s Navy has launched a new electronic reconnaissance ship as Beijing’s new assertiveness to territorial claims in the South China Sea fuels tensions.
ChinaFile Recommends
12.28.16Power Plays Across the First Island Chain: China’s Lone Carrier Group Has a Busy December
For the first time, China’s lone carrier entered the Western Pacific. What does the Chinese Navy have in mind?
ChinaFile Recommends
12.20.16Chinese Navy Returns Seized Underwater Drone to U.S.
New York Times
A Chinese vessel returned the submersible drone to a United States Navy ship in international waters off the Philippines, near where it was taken
Donald Trump’s Peace Through Strength Vision for the Asia-Pacific
from Foreign Policy
In 2011, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced with great fanfare in Foreign Policy that the United States would begin a military “pivot” to the Asia-Pacific. This beating of the American chest was done against the backdrop of China’s...
China in the World Podcast
North Korea and The South China Sea: What’s Next?
from Carnegie China
Given the increasingly complex security environment in the Asia-Pacific, it is critical for the United States and China to deepen cooperation on promoting regional stability. In this podcast, Paul Haenle and Admiral Gary Roughead, former Chief of...
Could China Now Defeat the United States in a Battle Over the South China Sea or Taiwan?
Chinese Communist Party Secretary Xi Jinping kicked off the latest round of People’s Liberation Army (PLA) reforms at a September 3, 2015 military parade. The reforms could result in a leaner, more combat-effective PLA. This could create new...
The China Africa Project
There Are a Lot More Chinese Soldiers in Africa Today... And Likely More To Come
Around 2014, the Chinese began to shift their military engagement strategy in Africa to include the deployment of combat-ready infantry units to countries like Mali and South Sudan where the United Nations is being actively targeted by Islamist...
ChinaFile Recommends
06.15.16China Spy Ship ‘Shadowing’ U.S., Japanese, Indian Naval Drill in Western Pacific
U.S. tries to protect freedom of navigation, China challenges....
A War of Words Over the South China Sea
Beginning earlier this year, four-star Admiral Harry Harris, the U.S. Navy’s top commander in the Pacific, has spoken out in speeches, interviews, private meetings, and testimony to Congress urging that the U.S. take more aggressive action against...
Escalation in the South China Sea
International tensions are rising over the shipping lanes and land formations in the South China Sea. Last week, the People’s Liberation Army Air Force scrambled fighter jets in response to a U.S. Navy ship sailing near the disputed Fiery Cross Reef...
ChinaFile Recommends
03.04.16U.S. Proposes Reviving Naval Coalition to Balance China’s Expansion
New York Times
Chief of the U.S. Pacific Command proposed reviving a coalition that had collapsed because of protests from China.
How Close Was the Latest Close Call in the South China Sea?
Had things in fact calmed down in recent weeks as the Chinese official press claimed, only to be stirred up again needlessly by another Freedom of Navigation sail by the U.S. Navy?
The Storm Beneath the Calm: China’s Regional Relations in 2016
On the surface, 2015 came to a close in a moment of relative tranquility after a turbulent year for China’s neighborhood. But the calm is misleading: the optics of regional diplomacy have become increasingly detached from the reality of the...
ChinaFile Recommends
01.07.16China Lands More Civilian Planes on Fiery Cross Reef
China has landed two civilian planes on an island built in the disputed South China Sea, days after an earlier landing there prompted international concern.
ChinaFile Recommends
01.05.16S. China Sea Tensions Surge as China Lands Plane on Artificial Island
China's increasing military presence in the disputed sea could effectively lead to a Beijing-controlled air defence zone.
ChinaFile Recommends
12.31.15China Defence: Work Starts on Second Aircraft Carrier
China is expanding its navy amid rising tension with its neighbours in the East and South China Seas.