Technical Difficulties
Citing national security concerns, the Trump administration announced September 18 that it was banning both TikTok and WeChat from mobile app stores starting Sunday, with further usage bans to come. While that date came and went without any impact...

Princeton University Press: As authoritarian governments around the world develop sophisticated technologies for controlling information, many observers have predicted that these controls would be ineffective because they are easily thwarted and evaded by savvy Internet users. In Censored, Margaret Roberts demonstrates that even censorship that is easy to circumvent can still be enormously effective. Taking advantage of digital data harvested from the Chinese Internet and leaks from China’s Propaganda Department, this book sheds light on how and when censorship influences the Chinese public.Roberts finds that much of censorship in China works not by making information impossible to access but by requiring those seeking information to spend extra time and money for access. By inconveniencing users, censorship diverts the attention of citizens and powerfully shapes the spread of information. When Internet users notice blatant censorship, they are willing to compensate for better access. But subtler censorship, such as burying search results or introducing distracting information on the web, is more effective because users are less aware of it. Roberts challenges the conventional wisdom that online censorship is undermined when it is incomplete and shows instead how censorship’s porous nature is used strategically to divide the public.Drawing parallels between censorship in China and the way information is manipulated in the United States and other democracies, Roberts reveals how Internet users are susceptible to control even in the most open societies. Demonstrating how censorship travels across countries and technologies, Censored gives an unprecedented view of how governments encroach on the media consumption of citizens.{chop}
ChinaFile Recommends
12.06.17Will Tech Firms Challenge China’s ‘Open’ Internet?
China has been smart and ruthless in its control of the internet within its borders. It blocks some foreign sites altogether and it censors - heavily - what Chinese are allowed to see.
ChinaFile Recommends
09.18.17China Communist Party Youth Twitter Account Prompts Abuse
Setting up a Twitter account may seem a fairly obvious thing for a political party to do, but the step has not so far worked out too well for China’s Communist Party.
Sinica Podcast
China’s Tightening Grip on Cyberspace
from Sinica Podcast
Adam Segal returns to Sinica to comment on China’s recent cybersecurity law—where it came from, how it changed as it was being drafted, and how it may shape the flow of information in China in the future. Other issues discussed include the...
ChinaFile Recommends
09.05.17Google Continues to Hire in China Even as Search Remains Blocked
Google’s search service may be banned in China but parent Alphabet Inc. is hunting for workers in a further sign it has ambitions in the world’s biggest internet market.
ChinaFile Recommends
08.14.17In China, Facebook Tests the Waters with a Stealth App
New York Times
Facebook and many of its apps have been blocked in China for years. To change that, Mark Zuckerberg has made a big point of meeting with Chinese politicians, reading stodgy Communist Party propaganda, studying Mandarin and—perhaps more daunting—...
ChinaFile Recommends
08.14.17Facebook’s Secret Chinese App Is a Dud in China So Far
Over the weekend the New York Times reported (paywall) that Facebook had stealthily released a photo-sharing app in the Chinese iOS App Store translated as “Colorful Balloons.” The news spread rapidly around English-language media, as it marked the...
ChinaFile Recommends
08.03.17Holes close in China’s ’Great Firewall’ as Apple and Amazon snub apps to bypass censors
Los Angeles Times
Moves by business giants Apple Inc. and Inc. to stop people from using censorship-skirting apps in China have renewed questions about the extent to which U.S. companies are willing to work with authorities to operate in the vast but...
ChinaFile Recommends
08.02.17Apple’s Decision to Remove VPN Apps from the App Store in China Explained by Tim Cook
Tim Cook has responded to criticisms that Apple is quietly removing apps from the App Store for the Chinese government.
ChinaFile Recommends
08.01.17Joining Apple, Amazon’s China Cloud Service Bows to Censors
New York Times
Days after Apple yanked anti-censorship tools off its app store in China, another major American technology company is moving to implement the country’s tough restrictions on online content.
ChinaFile Recommends
07.31.17A Crackdown on Unfettered Internet Access Is Jeopardizing China’s Pro-Business Credentials
Another big political meeting, another crackdown on Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)—the location-shifting software many in China use to access websites banned by its government, such as Facebook, YouTube and Google.
ChinaFile Recommends
07.31.17Apple ‘Pulls 60 VPNs from China App Store’
The BBC understands that as many as 60 VPNs were pulled over the weekend. Apple said it was legally required to remove them because they did not comply with new regulations. It refused to confirm the exact number of apps withdrawn, but did not deny...
ChinaFile Recommends
07.20.17China Clamping down on Use of VPNs to Evade Great Firewall
China is tightening control over foreign companies’ internet use in a move some worry might disrupt their operations or jeopardize trade secrets as part of a crackdown on technology that allows web surfers to evade Beijing’s online censorship.
ChinaFile Recommends
04.03.17The New York Times vs. the ‘Great Firewall’ of China
New York Times
The problem in China is that you never really know who is behind such decisions. Chinese bureaucracy is like a series of Chinese boxes that are harder and harder to open as you move toward the center.
ChinaFile Recommends
03.15.17American Unrest Proves China Got the Internet Right
Beijing has been criticized for its Great Firewall and online censorship. Now it’s looking prescient.
ChinaFile Recommends
01.31.17Facebook Is Trying Everything to Re-Enter China—and It’s Not Working
Wall Street Journal
Since regulators blocked the service in 2009, CEO Mark Zuckerberg has hired well-connected executives, developed censorship tools and taken a ‘smog jog’ in Beijing—but the company has made no visible headway.
ChinaFile Recommends
01.23.17Forget Xi’s ‘Defense’ of Globalization. China Just Fortified the Great Firewall.
Washington Post
Over the weekend, China announced a new, year-long crackdown on “unauthorized Internet connections.”
ChinaFile Recommends
12.09.15China Web Tsar Admits Censorship Troubles
Financial Times
“We have indeed called for reinforcements over prominent online problems, this is the truth.”
ChinaFile Recommends
11.23.15China Cuts Mobile Service of Xinjiang Residents Evading Internet Filters
New York Times
The Chinese government is shutting down the mobile service of residents in Xinjiang.
ChinaFile Recommends
10.30.15China Ranks Last of 65 Nations in Internet Freedom
New York Times
Chinese officials will be able to impose a prison sentence of up to seven years on a person convicted of creating and spreading “false information” online.
Sorry China, the Internet You’re Looking for Does Not Exist
The long arm of China’s massive internal security apparatus just reached further into the heart of the country’s web. On August 4, China’s Ministry of Public Security announced that it would embed law enforcement officers at major Internet companies...
ChinaFile Recommends
07.20.15Want to Circumvent China’s Great Firewall? Learn These 9 Phrases First
Public Radio International
A story about the newly updated e-book Decoding the Chinese Internet: A Glossary of Political Slang”
New Chinese Cyberattacks: What’s to Be Done?
Starting last week, hackers foiled a handful of software providers that promote freedom of information by helping web surfers in China reach the open Internet. The attacks that drastically slowed the anti-censorship services of San Francisco-based...
ChinaFile Recommends
03.31.15Chinese Authorities Compromise Millions in Cyberattacks
Great Firewall of China
Hijacking the computers of millions of innocent Internet users around the world shows China’s disregard for Internet governance norms.
ChinaFile Recommends
03.19.15China’s Biggest Anti-Censorship Service is Under Attack
Variety has been under an unprecedented denial-of-service attack, receiving more than 2 billion requests per hour.
ChinaFile Recommends
03.17.15The Constant Adaptations of China’s Great Firewall
Wall Street Journal
Firewall-hopping technologies see activist programmers and Chinese censors engaged in a cat-and-mouse game.
ChinaFile Recommends
Five Predictions for Chinese Censorship in the Year of the Sheep
Blocked websites, jailed journalists, and nationalist rhetoric have long been features of the Chinese Communist Party’s media control strategy. During the Year of the Horse, which just ended on China’s lunar calendar, President Xi Jinping and his...
ChinaFile Recommends
12.15.14Mark Zuckerberg Wants to Make It Clear He’s Cool with China
Huffington Post
Lu Wei, the Chinese Internet czar who heads a censorship system that keeps many popular American sites—including, of course, Facebook—out of China, was touring American tech companies recently. Chinese media reported that when he arrived at...
ChinaFile Recommends
10.31.14China: Facebook Not Banned, but Must Follow the Rules
PC World
“Foreign Internet companies entering China must at the base level accord to Chinese laws and regulations,” Lu Wei, the director of China’s State Internet Information Office, said. “First, you can’t damage the national interests of the country...
They Can Take Our Freedom, But They Will Never Take Our Instagram
When thousands of Hong Kong protesters clashed with police on Sunday, September 28, many residents of the city immediately took to the photo-sharing platform Instagram. There, they uploaded images of police violence and demonstrations that shocked...
“We’ll Know It When We’re There”
Martin Johnson (not his real name), is a co-founder of the China-based Internet freedom advocacy collective On the condition that he not be photographed, he gave the following interview to ChinaFile at an outdoor cafe in Manhattan...
Punching a Hole in the Great Firewall
In January, when the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists published its exposé of the use of offshore tax havens by Chinese politicians and business moguls, the Chinese government blocked access to the consortium’s website and to...
ChinaFile Recommends
01.22.14How the Chinese Internet Ended Up at a House in Cheyenne, Wyoming
Washington Post
In trying to block Chinese traffic going to Sophidea, the Great Firewall’s operators accidentally diverted more traffic there.
ChinaFile Recommends
01.08.14Guardian Website Blocked in China
New York Times
The newspaper said that it may be due to a recently run article about ethnic tensions in the western region of Xinjiang.
ChinaFile Recommends
04.12.13China’s Internet: A Giant Cage
Not only has Chinese authoritarian rule survived the internet, but the state has shown great skill in bending the technology to its own purposes, enabling it to exercise better control of its own society and setting an example for other repressive...
ChinaFile Recommends
07.20.12Rural Chinese Get Online as Mobile Overtakes Desktop
For the first time, desktop computers are no longer the leading method for the country’s 538 million connected citizens to get online. The report from the China Internet Network Information Center (CINIC) said over 50% of the year’s new...
ChinaFile Recommends
06.18.12How Chinese Writers Elude Censors
New York Times
Two months ago at the London Book Fair, where China was this year’s “guest of honor,” Ma Jian, the exiled author of the Tiananmen-era novel “Beijing Coma,” inked a red X across his face in an emotional protest against Chinese censorship. It may be a...
ChinaFile Recommends
06.02.12Google Confronts the Great Firewall
Foreign Policy
For centuries, the Yangtze River — the longest in Asia — has played an important role in China’s history, culture, and economy. The Yangtze is as quintessentially Chinese as the Nile is Egyptian or the Rhine is German. Many businesses use its...