ChinaFile Recommends
02.25.1539 Hours Inside The Biggest Human Migration On Earth
Huffington Post
China’s Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s rolled into one, the holiday unfolds on an entirely different scale.
The Sun Kings
In 1992, Shi Zhengrong completed his doctorate and found himself an expert in a field that wasn’t quite ready for him. He’d studied physics at Australia’s University of New South Wales, focusing on crystalline technology, the basic scientific...

The Greening of Asia
One of Asia’s best-respected writers on business and economy, Hong Kong-based author Mark L. Clifford provides a behind-the-scenes look at what companies in China, India, Japan, Korea, the Philippines, South Korea, Singapore, and Thailand are doing to build businesses that will lessen the environmental impact of Asia’s extraordinary economic growth. Dirty air, foul water, and hellishly overcrowded cities are threatening to choke the region’s impressive prosperity. Recognizing a business opportunity in solving social problems, Asian businesses have developed innovative responses to the region’s environmental crises.{node, 13216}From solar and wind power technologies to green buildings, electric cars, water services, and sustainable tropical forestry, Asian corporations are upending old business models in their home countries and throughout the world. Companies have the money, the technology, and the people to act—yet, as Clifford emphasizes, support from the government (in the form of more effective, market-friendly policies) and the engagement of civil society are crucial for a region-wide shift to greener business practices. Clifford paints detailed profiles of what some of these companies are doing and includes a unique appendix that encapsulates the environmental business practices of more than fifty companies mentioned in the book. —Columbia Business School Publishing {chop}
Double Impact
Paulson Institute
This paper makes the case for establishing a national CO2 price in China as soon as possible. End-of-pipe pollution control technologies—a core component of China’s Air Pollution Action Plan (APAP)—can address local air pollution but not CO2...
ChinaFile Recommends
02.24.15China Is Creating a New Economic World Order Right Under the West’s Nose
From new “silk roads” to 40,000 miles of high-speed rail, China is poised to dominate the 21st century global economy.
ChinaFile Recommends
02.24.15Spooked by Yuan Drop: China’s Top 1%
Wall Street Journal
Fears the megarich will take flight puts a floor under the currency’s slide against dollar.
ChinaFile Recommends
02.17.15Is India’s Economy Really Growing Faster Than China?
Wall Street Journal
At 7.5%, India’s revised growth estimate for the fourth quarter of last year beat China’s 7.3%.
ChinaFile Recommends
02.17.15Soft Recruits Hinder China’s Military Modernization
New York Times
Many of China’s army conscripts have been raised as spoiled children of the one-child policy and need toughening up, a RAND report says.
The China Africa Project
China’s Mystery Transportation Infrastructure Deal with the African Union
It’s not really news anymore when China announces yet another massive infrastructure construction deal in Africa. Typically these deals are done at the national level, so when Beijing and the African Union signed a major transport infrastructure MOU...

The People’s Republic of Chemicals
Maverick environmental writers William J. Kelly and Chip Jacobs follow up their acclaimed Smogtown with a provocative examination of China’s ecological calamity already imperiling a warming planet. Toxic smog most people figured was obsolete needlessly kills as many as died in the 9/11 attacks every day, while sometimes Grand Canyon-sized drifts of industrial particles aloft on the winds rain down ozone and waterway-poisoning mercury in America.In vivid, gonzo prose blending first-person reportage with exhaustive research and a sense of karma, Kelly and Jacobs describe China’s ancient love affair with coal, Bill Clinton’s blunders cutting free-trade deals enabling the U.S. to “export” manufacturing emissions to Asia in a shift that pilloried the West’s middle class, Communist Party manipulation of eco-statistics, the horror of cancer villages, the deception of the 2008 Beijing Olympics, and spellbinding peasant revolts against cancer-spreading plants involving thousands in mostly-censored melées. Ending with China’s monumental coal-bases decried by climatologists as a global warming dagger, The People’s Republic of Chemicals names names and emphasizes humanity over bloodless statistics in a classic sure to ruffle feathers as an indictment of money as the real green that not even Al Gore can deny. —Rare Bird Books, A Vireo Book {chop}
ChinaFile Recommends
02.09.15In China, Heavy Industry Unexpectedly Falls Sharply
New York Times
The full scope of China’s economic weakness is obscured by limited data, as the country prepares for a weeklong holiday beginning Feb. 18.
ChinaFile Recommends
02.06.15A Chinese Perspective on the BRICS in 2015
Council on Foreign Relations
The BRICS group is not only an economic concept but increasingly it is also taking the form of a political entity.
ChinaFile Recommends
02.06.15Trade Groups Urge U.S. to Push Against Chinese Regulations
New York Times
New policies that could hamper the ability of major technology multinationals to do business in China.
ChinaFile Recommends
02.06.15China Labor Strife Rises; Death of a Foreman
Wall Street Journal
As the Lunar New Year homeward migration approaches, workers press for back-wages.
Why Chinese Promote Confining New Mothers for a Month
HONG KONG—Giving birth is never easy, but for new Chinese mothers the month following a baby’s arrival is particularly fraught. Immediately after I became pregnant for the first time, I started to hear about zuoyuezi, or “sitting the month.” It’s a...
ChinaFile Recommends
02.05.15Is China Preparing for Currency War?
As China grapples with its slowest growth in 24 years, President Xi Jinping is under pressure to stimulate the economy.
Wealthy Chinese Are Fleeing the Country Like Mad
from Sohu
Last year, Chinese millionaires maxed out the quota for EB-5 visas under the U.S.’s Immigrant Investor Program, and recently it was reported that 90% of Australia’s Significant Investor visas were given to Chinese nationals. All over the world,...
Sinica Podcast
Shanghai and the Future Now
from Sinica Podcast
Expats in Beijing may be partial to our rugged smogtropolis, but even the most diehard northerner will admit that Shanghai is the more romantic of the two cities, with its very name conjuring up images of 19th century opium dens, jazz bars in the...
ChinaFile Recommends
01.30.15China and the World: Yuan for All
The yuan is not yet fully convertible and will not be for several years, which limits China’s influence.
ChinaFile Recommends
01.30.15China Expels Top Police Official from Communist Party
Cai Guangliao, a major general in the paramilitary armed police, accepted bribes, illegally engaging in business activities and accepting gifts.
The View from Wasteland
In winter the land is frozen and still. A cloudless sky shines off snow-covered rice paddies, reflecting light so bright, you have to shield your eyes. I lean into a stinging wind and trudge north up Red Flag Road, to a village named Wasteland.The...
Caixin Media
China Boots Up an Internet Banking Industry
Premier Li Keqiang recently launched a new era for banking in China by ceremonially pressing the “confirm” button for a 35,000 yuan loan issued to a Shenzhen truck driver.Li’s gesture on January 4 on behalf of Shenzhen Qianhai WeBank...
ChinaFile Recommends
01.26.15Xi Stresses Adherence to Dialectical Materialism
China should not be judged by GDP alone, said the president. China should be judged by its transition in economic development, restructuring, dissolution of overcapacity and by the strength of the nation’s commitment to an ecological society...
Does Size Matter? (In the U.S. and Chinese Economies, That Is...)
Last week, President Obama’s State of the Union Address touted a U.S. economic recovery. Meanwhile, China’s economic growth is slowing and Ma Jiantang, head of the National Bureau of Statistics, has said that China’s economy, contrary to overseas...
Sinica Podcast
Inside the Property Revolution
from Sinica Podcast
Luigi Tomba, expert on municipal government in China, fellow at the Australian Centre on China and the World, and author of the book The Government Next Door: Neighborhood Politics in Urban China, is this week’s Sinica Podcast guest. Since 2005...
ChinaFile Recommends
01.25.15Death Threats and Dawn Raids: Welcome to China’s Anti-Graft Drive
On one side is Peking University Founder Group, a state-owned company that partnered with Credit Suisse Group AG (CSGN) in a separate securities joint venture whose chairman has disappeared.
ChinaFile Recommends
01.23.15Who’s Afraid of China’s Economy Slowing? Not Alibaba’s Jack Ma
“If China still keeps 9 percent growth of the economy there must be something wrong. You will never see the blue sky. You will never see quality. China should pay attention to the quality of the economy,” he said in a question-and-answer...
ChinaFile Recommends
01.22.15China’s Wanda Cinema Stock Surges in Market Debut
Hollywood Reporter
Wanda has earmarked $200 million of the proceeds from the IPO to expand its exhibition network to 260 theaters and 2,300 screens by the end of next year.
ChinaFile Recommends
01.22.15Obama’s Top Asia Adviser: Goal is for Complete Trade Pact in 2015
Evan Medeiros, senior director for Asia at the U.S. National Security Council, asked about the Trans-Pacific Partnership, said: “We are confident we can and we will get it done.”
ChinaFile Recommends
01.22.15Xi’s Yunnan Visit Highlights Poverty Elimination, Ethnic Solidarity
President Xi Jinping seeks to rally support for a “tough battle” against poverty and to speed up growth in the country’s relatively underdeveloped ethnic regions.
ChinaFile Recommends
01.22.15Don’t Worry About China Slowdown, Premier Li Tells Davos
China will avoid a hard landing and is focused on ensuring long-term medium-to-fast growth, Premier Li Keqiang told global leaders in Davos.
Xi Jinping’s Pay Raise
It just got slightly less difficult to be a clean Chinese official. State media reported on January 20 that Chinese civil servants had received their first pay raise in ten years, a move that includes a 60 percent bump for President Xi Jinping and...
ChinaFile Recommends
01.22.15The South China Sea: Oil on Troubled Waters
Two Chinese oil companies show contrasting approaches in their attempts to operate in the South China Sea where, to the discomfort of its smaller neighbours, China’s claims in disputed waters have grown increasingly assertive.
ChinaFile Recommends
01.22.15The Trans-Pacific Partnership Can Help the U.S. Counter China’s Expansion
Washington Post
We’ve faulted President Obama for his less-than-full-throated support of free-trade agreements that enjoy the nominal backing of his administration. There was no such cause for complaint about his State of the Union address Tuesday night, however,...
ChinaFile Recommends
01.21.15China Labor Activists Say Facing Unprecedented Intimidation
The number of strikes more than doubled in 2014 to 1,378 from 656 the year before, according to China Labor Bulletin, a Hong Kong-based advocacy group. April saw the biggest strike in decades, when about 40,000 employees of Adidas and Nike supplier...
ChinaFile Recommends
01.20.15Why Paul Krugman is Scared of China
“China scares me,” he said Tuesday at the Asian Financial Forum in Hong Kong. “It scares me not because the policies have been wrong or anything, but because of the magnitude of the adjustment.”
ChinaFile Recommends
01.20.15China’s Scramble for Africa
Al Jazeera
In a remarkable departure from its long history of low-profile foreign policy, especially since Deng Xiaoping took over China’s leadership in the late 1970s, Beijing has recently committed up to 700 combat troops to South Sudan in the hopes of...
Caixin Media
01.20.15Good Times Are Over for Local Governments
Two pieces of recent news have piqued the public’s interest. First, local governments reported their latest debt figures to the Ministry of Finance. The numbers have not been made public, but sources say many officials reported large amounts in...
ChinaFile Recommends
01.19.15As Growth Slows, China Pins Hopes on Consumer Spending
New York Times
The economy increased by 7.3 percent in the last quarter of 2014 and 7.4 percent for the full year, the country’s National Bureau of Statistics said Tuesday. While many countries would welcome such growth, the rate fell short of the government’s...
ChinaFile Recommends
01.19.155 Takeaways from China’s GDP
Wall Street Journal
For much of the last two decades, China has been working overtime to drive the growth of the world economy. Now, it’s slowing to suborbital speeds.
ChinaFile Recommends
01.17.15The Dragon and the Gringo
Time was when cash-strapped Latin American governments would turn to the IMF for the bitter medicine of its bail-outs. No longer. Over the past dozen years the supercycle of rising commodity prices has swelled the region’s coffers, while even the...
Can the Potato Help Feed China, Cut Pollution, and Alleviate Drought?
from chinadialogue
The Ministry of Agriculture’s move to make potatoes an increasingly important staple in Chinese kitchens, including the propagation of recipes that rely on the humble tuber, at first glance might appear slightly odd and surprising.The potato has...
China-Latin America Summit ‘A Missed Opportunity’ on Low-Carbon Energy
The first major meeting of Chinese and Latin American leaders agreed closer cooperation on trade, investment, and industry, but is more likely to usher in deals on oil and gas rather than renewable energy, analysts said in response to a summit that...
ChinaFile Recommends
01.14.15Hong Kong’s Leader Says Concessions to Protesters Could Lead to Anarchy
New York Times
Leung Chun-ying, the chief executive of Hong Kong, offered the proposals in his first major policy package since the street demonstrations ended last month. Since Mr. Leung came to office in 2012, he has repeatedly vowed to redress the city’s...
Caixin Media
China Turning Gray Over Pension Reform Stress
About 8,000 teachers in the northeastern city of Zhaodong stayed home for three days in November to protest an experimental pension scheme they called tantamount to a pay cut.The teachers claimed they’d been illegally forced to participate in...
ChinaFile Recommends
01.12.15The Abject Misery of Flying in China
On Friday, irate passengers forced open the emergency door of their airplane as it sat on a snowy runway. That was only the latest sign of trouble in Chinese air travel.
ChinaFile Recommends
01.12.15In China, Projects to Make Great Wall Feel Small
New York Times
The plan here seems far-fetched—a $36 billion tunnel that would run twice the length of the one under the English Channel, and bore deep into one of Asia’s active earthquake zones. When completed, it would be the world’s longest underwater tunnel,...
The China Africa Project
From ‘Made in China’ to ‘Made in Africa’
A growing number of Chinese companies are looking to outsource production overseas in a bid to lower costs and meet Beijing’s increasingly stringent environmental laws. Ethiopia and South Africa are among the beneficiaries of this new trend as...
ChinaFile Recommends
01.09.15Sri Lankan Poll Upset a Blow to China’s Indian Ocean Plans
Mahinda Rajapaksa, who tightened ties with China during his decade-long rule, conceded defeat today in Sri Lanka’s closely-fought presidential election. His successor Maithripala Sirisena used his campaign to criticize the island nation’s increasing...
Caixin Media
Baby Hatch Programs Struggle to Cope With Number of Infants With Birth Defects
Giving birth to her first baby granted Zheng Yuling no happiness, but instead brought pain and sadness. The seriously ill girl died hours after birth, and Zheng’s husband, Chen Dafu, was arrested on suspicion he abandoned the newborn.Their baby...
Think Renting in Your City is Bad? Try Beijing
from Sohu
Compared with the numbers of a few years ago, first and second tier cities in China have an oversupply of stock on the housing market. Additionally, restrictions on multiple-home purchases are easing and “expected to be eased completely,” according...
ChinaFile Recommends
01.08.15China Wants Taxes Paid by Citizens Living Afar
New York Times
As Chinese individuals and companies head overseas in greater numbers, the country’s tax authorities are starting to follow.
ChinaFile Recommends
01.07.15China to Expand Unemployment Benefits to Lure Migrants to Cities
Chinese municipal governments must widen unemployment benefits to residents who are not registered locally, China said on Wednesday, as it dismantles hurdles to urbanization efforts by easing conditions for migrant workers.
ChinaFile Recommends
01.07.15China Wants Taxes Paid by Citizens Living Afar
New York Times
The Beijing billionaires who set up cryptically named companies in the British Virgin Islands to hold their fortunes are in the cross hairs. So are the Guangdong salesmen living and working in Africa and Latin America. China’s tax officials are now...
ChinaFile Recommends
01.07.15China to Expand Unemployment Benefits to Lure Migrants to Cities
China’s reform-minded leaders have shown greater tolerance for slower economic growth, viewing healthy employment levels as a top policy priority and an important condition for social stability.
ChinaFile Recommends
01.07.15China Cities Crack Down on Illegal Cabs Using Car-Hailing Apps
The Chinese capital will impose fines of as much as 20,000 yuan ($3,200) each on 41 unauthorized vehicles that offered rental services via the apps, CNR said Jan. 7.
ChinaFile Recommends
01.07.15Embattled Venezuela Says it Has Secured $20 Billion Lifeline from China
Miami Herald
The money is good news for a country that is being rattled by inflation of 64 percent, a contracting economy, shrinking foreign reserves and sporadic food shortages.Read more here:
Rebalancing China’s Energy Strategy
Paulson Institute
At a high-level meeting of China’s top finance and economics body in June 2014, President Xi Jinping called for a sweeping energy revolution in China, centered on five areas: demand, production, technology, institutional governance, and global...
ChinaFile Recommends
01.05.15Tencent Launches China’s First Online-only Bank
Financial Times
WeBank, a joint venture led by Chinese gaming and social network group Tencent Holdings, became the first private bank to start operations under a pilot, after the banking regulator granted licences to six such institutions last year. Its name comes...