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Registered Foreign NGO Representative Offices Interactive Map and Filterable Table

The following interactive graphics display information about currently-registered foreign NGOs’ representative offices in China as provided by the Ministry of Public Security website. Below these graphics is a list of foreign NGO offices that have de-registered and are no longer formally operating in China.

The interactive map shows the approximate location of foreign NGOs’ representative offices in China. Click on a foreign NGO name in the sidebar to zoom in to that location on the map and display a pop-up containing the NGO’s Chinese name, country/territory of origin, Professional Supervisory Unit, sector(s) of work, date of registration, and permitted area of activity. Click on a pin on the map to zoom in to that pin and display its pop-up. Click and drag on the map to re-center it. Office locations shown on the map may not be exact and are only used to show the overall distribution of these offices throughout mainland China.

Below the map, a filterable table provides the same information in a searchable text format. Type your search term(s) in the fields above each column to filter the results. You can filter multiple columns simultaneously.

These graphics do not include organizations that have de-registered. A list of organizations that have de-registered is available here.

Information drawn from the Ministry of Public Security website. Data cut-off date: July 1, 2022.

Total Number of Representative Offices as of July 1, 2022: 611

A list of de-registered representative offices can be found here.

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The English-language information in the table and map was not part of the MPS dataset and has been provided by The China NGO Project. When available, we have used an organization’s own English translations; when necessary, we have translated from the Chinese. If your organization is included here, please feel free to let us know if you have a preferred translation we can use to update your information.

Correction: We previously listed 德国工业联合会 as the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre. The correct English name is The Federation of German Industries (BDI).

Correction: We previously listed 国际志愿者协会 as the International Association for Volunteer Effort. We have now listed it as International Association Volunteers.

Correction: We previously listed 中国-非洲总商会 as the African General Chamber of Commerce in China. The correct name is Association Generale Chine-Afrique.

Correction: We previously listed 世界未来委员会基金会 as the World Future Foundation. The correct name is World Future Council.

Correction: We previously listed 爱心无国界基金会 as the Love without Borders Foundation. The correct name is Love Without Boundaries.

Correction: The China NGO Project neglected to include two Representative Offices registered in November 2020 in our previous reporting and analysis. The Global Alliance of SMEs (美国全球中小企业联盟) is listed as registered on November 23, 2020, and the International Psychoanalytical Association (国际精神分析协会) is listed as registered on November 26, 2020. These two additional Representative Offices are out of a total of 50 offices that registered in 2020 (and that remain registered as of June 8, 2022), and out of a total of 608 offices that are registered as of June 8, 2022.

Note: The MPS website previously listed the Korea Institute of Industrial Technology (韩国生产技术研究院) as having registered on June 21, 2017; the registration date has since changed to January 19, 2004. As all foreign NGO representative office registrations, by definition, have occurred since January 1, 2017, we have retained the registration date originally published by the MPS.

Last Updated: December 23, 2024