What is The China NGO Project?

The China NGO Project, a new platform from ChinaFile, provides practical information and analysis on the situation of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working in China. The project will focus in particular on covering implementation of China’s newly adopted Law on the Management of Foreign Non-Governmental Organizations’ Activities in the People’s Republic of China. The site aims to facilitate the sharing of accurate, timely information among members of the Foreign NGO community in China, domestic Chinese NGOs, regulators, scholars, and the general public. The China NGO Project is a neutral, editorially independent platform that does not espouse a particular viewpoint about NGO activity or its regulation.


How Is the Site Organized?

The China NGO Project comprises five main sections. In Latest, you will find the most recent updates from our editors on the work of foreign NGOs in China under the law, as well as on new additions to the rest of the site; our FAQs, which we update regularly, include information on compliance, logistics, resources and procedures under the Foreign NGO Law, as well as answers to questions about the impact of the law; Laws & Regulations provides the full text, in Chinese and in English, of laws relevant to foreign NGOs operating in China, as well as guidelines, brochures, and official announcements from the Chinese government organs that regulate NGOs; Links is a regularly updated list of media stories on foreign NGOs in China; and Resources provides information on other organizations and publications that offer information on foreign NGOs and their regulation in China.

Expanding the Breadth and Depth of Our Data

Our goal at the China NGO Project is to provide the most comprehensive, accurate information possible. We recognize that in many cases our data may be incomplete. If you see information here that does not reflect your experience, or if you would like to contribute to our work, please contact us. If you find our site useful, or have suggestions about how we might make it better, please let us know. Contact us at ngoproject@chinafile.com (for instructions on sending us an encrypted email, please see below).

A Note on Sourcing

While elsewhere on ChinaFile our general rule is to name sources as often as possible, The China NGO Project grants its NGO sources anonymity upon request. The project’s editors know the identities of all of the Project’s sources, but given the uncertain environment for foreign NGOs in China, we understand and accept that many sources who share critical information may wish to do so anonymously.

Wherever possible, we aim to have multiple sources confirm the information we publish. Given fast-changing circumstances, however, we have made the conscious choice to include information from single sources when we believe it is reliable. In such cases, until we are able to find a second source to confirm a piece of information, we will always note that it came from a single source.

Advisory Council

Alice Miller (Stanford University, The Hoover Institution)
The American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai
Asia Foundation
The Canada China Business Council
Carl Minzner (Fordham University Law School)
Center for American Progress
China Institute
China Medical Board
Claremont McKenna College, Keck Center for International and Strategic Studies
Council on Foreign Relations, Asia Program
Eva Pils (King’s College London)
Harvard-Yenching Institute
Henry Luce Foundation
Isabel Hilton (ChinaDialogueTrust)
Mark Sidel (International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL); University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Michael Szonyi (Harvard University, Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies)
Natalie Ross (Council on Foundations)
National Committee on United States-China Relations
New York University, U.S.-Asia Law Institute
University of San Diego, 21st Century China Center
U.S.-China Business Council
Wilson Center, Kissinger Institute on China and the United States
Yale-China Association

How to Contact Us

Gmail: ngoproject@chinafile.com

PGP: Send encrypted emails to ngo.encrypted@chinafile.com. The PGP fingerprint for this account is: 059F 7E05 32F8 0EA1 926C 4C90 BA40 B10C EE97 8750. We use PGP for secure email because it is free, accessible to everyone, and recommended by the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF). If you would like to learn how to set up and use PGP, see EFF’s guide here.

Signal: (+1) 212-327-9357

Telegram: (+1) 212-327-9357

Wickr: chinafngoinfo

WeChat ID: ChinaFNGOInfo (Note that WeChat is not rated on the EFF Scorecard)

The Electronic Frontier Foundation provides an excellent general reference guide on secure communications, as well as a scorecard on the efficacy of secure communications services.


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Last Updated: February 8, 2025