Nouriel Roubini Gets It in the A** in China

Tony Ashby—AFP/Getty Images
Former White House economist Nouriel Roubini listens to questions after delivering an address in Perth in 2011.

China Doomerism, the once familiar retreat of a chummy pantheon of economic cranks, recently went mainstream with Nouriel Roubini’s pronouncement that the Chinese economy is wrestling with over-investment and his prediction that it will likely come to a hard landing and a deflationary spiral sometime after 2013. We read the same news he does, which leads us to ask what the experts have to say about this, and what on earth any of this has to do with Shanghai truckers and Groupon China?

Sinica Podcast


Attack of the China Bears

Kaiser Kuo, Gady Epstein & more from Sinica Podcast
As the American economy teeters on the brink of a double-dip recession, “China Bear” sightings have increased significantly. A loosely-knit group of economists and critics who see storm clouds looming over the Chinese economy, China Bears have a...

In addition to regular guests Jeremy Goldkorn and Gady Epstein, this week Sinica is pleased to host Andrew Batson, former journalist for The Wall Street Journal and current head of research at Dragonomics, a leading research advisory on the Chinese economy and publisher of the China Economic Quarterly. We hope you’ll join us as Gady confronts Andrew with probing questions about the Chinese economy: What do the statistics tell us about whether China is investing too much and consuming too little? If you follow economics and enjoyed our earlier episode with Arthur Kroeber, then this is a podcast you don’t want to miss.