This week on Sinica, Kaiser Kuo and Jeremy Goldkorn are delighted to host Matthew Niederhauser. A photographer focusing on urban development in China, Matthew has been published in various journals including The New Yorker, National Geographic, The New York Times Magazine, Le Monde, and Time magazine, among others. As Jeremy describes it, his visuals of Beijing and other parts of modern China capture the feeling of a society that operates on a scale both “beautiful and horrifying” at the same time.
Matthew is currently working on a project documenting China’s megablock urban development project. But all of his work is stunning. So while you’re listening to the show, be sure to click through the following links and check out his photos on China’s counterfeit paradises as well as its visions of modernity. Quick Hint: if you want to see the photo exhibit, be sure to scroll right on your monitor rather than scrolling down.