China Is Risking the Lives of Political Prisoners by Denying Them Medical Care
Dissident activist Chen Xi entered Xingyi Prison in Guangxi in January 2012 to serve a 10-year sentence. The previous month, he had been convicted of “inciting subversion of state power” for writing articles about human rights and democracy. This...
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04.03.17Canada Deports Hundreds to China Each Year with No Treatment Guarantee
Globe and Mail
The Canadian government is deporting hundreds of people to China each year without receiving any assurances that they will not be tortured or otherwise mistreated, statistics provided to The Globe and Mail reveal.
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03.09.17China Rails against U.S. for Human Rights Violations
China lashed out at the United States for its “terrible human rights problems” in a report on Thursday, adding to recent international criticism of Washington on issues ranging from violence inflicted on minorities to U.S. immigration policies.
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01.20.17Punches, Kicks and the ‘Dangling Chair’: Detainee Tells of Torture in China
New York Times
Perched unsteadily on a stack of plastic stools in an isolated room, Xie Yang, a Chinese lawyer, was encircled day and night by interrogators
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12.02.16China’s Top Court Exonerates Man 21 Years After Execution
Case puts spotlight on accusations that judges accept coerced confessions and that police torture is rampant, activists say
The NYRB China Archive
China: A Life in Detention
from New York Review of Books
Every year in China, thousands of people suffer what the United Nations calls “arbitrary detention”: confinement in extra-legal facilities—including former government buildings, hotels, or mental hospitals—which are sometimes known as “black jails...
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02.26.16Ex-Official in China Blames Torture for Graft Confession
New York Times
A former high-level Chinese energy official accused of receiving bribes said that he was tortured into confessing to the crime.