Green Space
China’s Joking on Smog
In the world of Chinese air pollution, there’s a new kid on the block. Shenyang, the northeastern stronghold of heavy industry and manufacturing since the Mao era, last week saw its levels of PM2.5 pollution shoot past 1000 and register a whopping...
ChinaFile Recommends
01.07.15North Korean Defector: ‘Bureau 121’ Hackers Operating in China
On the streets of the neon-lit Chinese city of Shenyang, you’ll find a restaurant, hotel, and other businesses owned and operated by the North Korean government. You’ll also find a secret network of North Korean hackers, known as Bureau...
ChinaFile Recommends
08.14.12The Souls of Chinese Cities
Foreign Policy
Traveling through modern Chinese cities at times feels a blur, the view from a bus or taxi window seemingly untethered from any past or even particularities of place. In one sense, everything everywhere looks the same; it’s easy to feel a...
Caixin Media
08.07.12Shenyang Businesses Closed By Inspection Panic
Most shop owners in a city of roughly 8 million people have pulled down their shutters to avoid what they fear will be stringent enforcement of a city ordinance tied to the hosting of the 2013 National Games.Small business owners in Shenyang,...