ChinaFile Recommends
07.18.17Despite Ban, Rhino Horn Flooding Black Markets across China
National Geographic
The country is pledged to end the trade in elephant ivory this year, but will it take steps to help save rhinos?
The China Africa Project
09.15.15Growing Demand in China for Africa’s Lion Bones
Traditional Chinese medicine—popular throughout Asia—long has prized the supposed medicinal value of tiger bones. Now, though, as the world’s wild tiger population is disappearing fast, even facing extinction, the Chinese medicine industry may have...
The China Africa Project
04.02.15The Politics of Banning Ivory in China
In February 2015, China announced a one-year ban on ivory imports. While many conservation groups such as the Environmental Investigation Agency denounced Beijing’s policy as “ineffective,” the San Francisco-based group WildAid said the ban is an...