07.20.21Making Sense of Support for Donald Trump in China
As the dust finally settled on the U.S. presidential election that shook the world, Biden was sworn in as president, and Trump, who tried everything to cling to a second term, slunk out of the capital city of Washington, D.C. in disgrace. Looking...
01.23.17The Chairmen, Trump and Mao
The January 13, 1967 issue of TIME magazine featured Mao Zedong on its cover with the headline “China in Chaos.” Fifty years later, TIME made U.S. President-elect Donald Trump its Man of The Year. With a groundswell of mass support, both men...
ChinaFile Recommends
07.21.16China Upset by U.S. Republican Platform on South China Sea, Tibet
China's Foreign Ministry urged the U.S. Republican Party to stop making “groundless accusations” against China.
07.20.16How Should the Republican Party Approach China Policy?
On Tuesday, delegates to the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, chose Donald J. Trump as their nominee for President of the United States. We asked a range of contributors how the Republican Party should approach China policy.
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02.17.16Obama to Veto Bill to Rename Washington Street After Jailed China Dissident
Washington Post
Liu Xiaobo, who in 2009 was sentenced to 11 years in jail on charges of inciting state subversion.
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09.17.15“These Old Men Look So Terrible”—China Watches The U.S. Republican Primary
"Just looking at these faces, I feel Hillary being the next president is already certain."
ChinaFile Recommends
09.10.15Why Donald Trump is Smart to Talk About China, China, China
Washington Post
He loves to talk about China to the point that one can cobble together a compilation of the times he said "China."
ChinaFile Recommends
07.22.15China Feared CIA Worked with Sheldon Adelson's Casinos to Bust Officials
China fears that casinos owned by Sheldon Adelson were used by the CIA to blackmail Chinese officials.