Depth of Field


Fake Girlfriends, Chengdu Rappers, and a Chow Chow Making Bank

Ye Ming, Yan Cong & more from Yuanjin Photo
Lonely dog owners in Beijing and a rented girlfriend in Fujian; the last Oroqen hunters in Heilongjiang and homegrown hip hop in Chengdu; young Chinese in an Indian tech hub and Hong Kong apartments only slightly larger than coffins—these are some...

China’s New Love Affair With Dogs—As Pets, Not Food—Presents Environmental Problems

Irene Banos Ruiz
Deutsche Welle
A culture shift could have an effect on China’s CO2 emissions....

Depth of Field


April’s Best Chinese Photojournalism

Yan Cong, Ye Ming & more from Yuanjin Photo
Over the past few weeks, the publications Sina, Tencent, Caixin, China Youth Daily, and the publishing duo Sixth Tone/The Paper published photo stories on the intimate, the industrial, the private, and the political. Journalists Yan Cong and Ye Ming...

Green Space


Rescuing China’s Abused Animals

Michael Zhao
We start with a heartwarming note, which I recently heard about in a New Year’s greeting from Animals Asia, a NGO started by Jill Robinson, originally from the U.K., in Chengdu to rescue Asian bears from their torture-chamber-like cages throughout...

China Denounces Pet Dogs As Filthy Imports from West

Patrick Winn
NBC News
In a recent People’s Daily op-ed, pet dogs are referred to as a “crude and ludicrious imitation... of a Western lifestyle” and a blight on “social peace and harmony.”