Notes from ChinaFile
The Global Times Translated My Op-Ed. Here’s What They Changed.
On May 25, 2023, The New York Times published my guest essay “Like It or Not, America Needs Chinese Scientists,” on American higher education’s engagement with China in the STEM fields. The article was subsequently translated by the Chinese State-...
The China Africa Project
‘The New York Times’ on China, from on the Ground in Namibia
Western news coverage of China’s engagement in Africa often is confined to the business section, generally focusing on loans, resource deals, or other financial dealings. Moreover, ambitious international feature reporting, particularly from Africa...
ChinaFile Recommends
04.03.17The New York Times vs. the ‘Great Firewall’ of China
New York Times
The problem in China is that you never really know who is behind such decisions. Chinese bureaucracy is like a series of Chinese boxes that are harder and harder to open as you move toward the center.
Sinica Podcast
The State of Journalism in China—Ed Wong’s Exit Interview
from Sinica Podcast
Edward Wong became a reporter for The New York Times in 1999. He covered the Iraq war from Baghdad from 2003 to 2007, and then moved to Beijing in 2008. He has written about a wide range of subjects in China for the Times, and became its Beijing...
ChinaFile Recommends
01.05.17Apple Removes New York Times App in China
Company says it will not offer news site in app store because it has been told by Beijing it is in ‘violation of local regulations’
ChinaFile Recommends
10.10.16An Open Letter to the Woman Who Told My Family to Go Back to China
New York Times
To the well-dressed woman on the Upper East Side, annoyed by our stroller, that yelled “Go back to China...Go back to your f—-ing country”
‘I Don’t Want to Think About Activating Change’
from Asia Blog
In 2012, The New York Times published a groundbreaking investigative report showing that the family of Wen Jiabao, China’s then-prime minister, possessed wealth in excess of $2.7 billion. In response, the Chinese government blocked the Times’...
ChinaFile Recommends
05.20.15Q. and A.: Luo Yufeng, a.k.a. Sister Feng, on Life as a Manicurist in New York
New York Times
Sister Feng, whose real name is Luo Yufeng, is an Internet celebrity with more than 4.7 million followers on Sina Weibo
ChinaFile Recommends
10.29.14China Quietly Gives Global News Awards
China Media Project
Although the WMS was, according to Chinese state media, “co-launched by Xinhua News Agency and other major media organizations around the world,” the event has always been solidly China’s prerogative.
ChinaFile Recommends
08.04.14The War of Words in China
New York Times
I didn’t ask for a Wikipedia page, but a few months ago, alerted by a friend, I found that someone had created one, ostensibly devoted to my journalistic achievements, but accusing me of writing over 400 mostly negative articles on China.
ChinaFile Recommends
04.02.14While Warning Of Chinese Cyberthreat, U.S. Launches Its Own Attack
New documents show that the U.S. National Security Agency penetrated the large Chinese telecommunications firm Huawei, gathering information about its operations.
What Should the U.S. Do about China’s Barring Foreign Reporters?
Last week, the White House said it was “very disappointed” in China for denying a visa to another journalist working for The New York Times in Beijing, forcing him to leave the country after eight years. What else should the U.S. government...
ChinaFile Recommends
01.30.14China Forces New York Times Reporter to Leave Country
Washington Post
Ramzy’s forced departure will result in the first full-time Times correspondent stationed in Taiwan.
ChinaFile Recommends
01.29.14“Most Well-Known and Beloved Chinese Role Model”
New York Magazine
Chinese tycoon wants to buy the Times; is he ploy by the CCP, or just crazy?
ChinaFile Recommends
01.29.14Beijing Forces U.S. Reporter to Leave China
USA Today
“The government is punishing the Times for the content of its seems as simple as that.”
ChinaFile Recommends
01.24.14Why China Needs to Rethink the Way It Treats the Foreign Press
New Yorker
A new report on elite wealth by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists suggests Beijing may need to change its whack-a-mole strategy of removing offending reporters one by one.
ChinaFile Recommends
12.16.13Is Beijing About to Pull the Plug on Two Major American News Operations in China?
Public Radio International
In an unprecedented move, the Chinese government has declined to process visa applications for the entire Beijing bureaus of The New York Times and Bloomberg News, in apparent retaliation for investigative reporting those two media organizations...
ChinaFile Recommends
12.12.13Journo for a Journo
If China kicks out U.S. journalists, should the U.S. do the same to Chinese journalists?
ChinaFile Recommends
12.12.13Is Beijing About to Boot The New York Times?
Foreign Policy
The Chinese government’s crackdown on Bloomberg and “the paper of record” reaches a head.
Will China Shut Out the Foreign Press?
Some two dozen journalists employed by The New York Times and Bloomberg News have not yet received the visas they need to continue to report and live in China after the end of this year. Without them, they will effectively be expelled from the...

A Death in the Lucky Holiday Hotel
The downfall of Bo Xilai in China was more than a darkly thrilling mystery. It revealed a cataclysmic internal power struggle between Communist Party factions, one that reached all the way to China’s new president Xi Jinping.The scandalous story of the corruption of the Bo Xilai family—the murder of British businessman Neil Heywood; Bo’s secret lovers; the secret maneuverings of Bo’s supporters; the hasty trial and sentencing of Gu Kailai, Bo’s wife—was just the first rumble of a seismic power struggle that continues to rock the very foundation of China’s all-powerful Communist Party. By the time it is over, the machinations in Beijing and throughout the country that began with Bo’s fall could affect China’s economic development and disrupt the world’s political and economic order.—PublicAffairs
Why is China Still Messing with the Foreign Press?
To those raised in the Marxist tradition, nothing in the media happens by accident. In China, the flagship newspapers are still the “throat and tongue” of the ruling party, and their work is directed by the Party’s Propaganda Department...
Cyber Attacks—What’s the Best Response?
With regular ChinaFile Conversation contributor Elizabeth Economy on the road, we turned to her colleague Adam Segal, Maurice R. Greenberg Senior Fellow for China Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York. Segal said that “the time for...
Covering China: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
On February 5, 2013, ChinaFile celebrated its official launch by bringing together a panel of former and current New York Times correspondents, whose collective China experience spans the course of half a century, to discuss their coverage of China...
China’s Cyberattacks — At What Cost?
James Fallows: Here are some initial reactions on the latest hacking news.We call this the “latest” news because I don’t think anyone, in China or outside, is actually surprised. In my own experience in China, which is limited compared with many of...
ChinaFile Recommends
01.31.13Hacking with Chinese Characteristics
New Yorker
The New York Times has come under attack by Chinese hackers just at the very moment that the new Chinese leadership, under Xi Jinping, has pledged to root our corruption before it destroys the Party.
ChinaFile Recommends
01.03.13China, the American Press, and the State Department
New Yorker
It’s time for the State Department to take up the matter of American reporters in China, and Chinese reporters in America.
ChinaFile Recommends
12.31.12Times Reporter in China is Forced to Leave over Visa Issue
New York Times
A correspondent who applied for press accreditation in September left because authorities did not act by Dec. 31.
ChinaFile Recommends
10.29.12China’s People’s Daily Launches Attack on The New York Times
The 1,500 word People’s Daily editorial appeared to be a direct response to The New York Times’s explosive exposé last week about the $2.7 billion (£1.67 billion) “hidden fortune” of the family of Chinese prime minister Wen...
ChinaFile Recommends
10.29.12David Barboza Answers Reader Questions on Reporting in China
New York Times
The Times’s Shanghai bureau chief, David Barboza, reported last week that close relatives of Wen Jiabao, the prime minister of China, hold billions of dollars in hidden riches. Here are his answers to questions from readers prompted by the article.
ChinaFile Recommends
10.29.12New York Times Wen Exposé Makes Waves
China Digital Times
David Barboza’s investigation of the wealth built by Wen Jiabao’s extended family has dominated China news since its publication by The New York Times early on Friday. While the basic fact that wealth and power go hand in hand may surprise few—China...
ChinaFile Recommends
07.21.12It’s Time to Redefine the China Expert
Misrepresentations and misunderstandings of “China” is a complicated issue that won’t disappear overnight. The news media you have trusted doesn’t always give you an unbiased perspective, even though they have been trying their best. Even visiting...
ChinaFile Recommends
07.02.12No Weibo for the New York Times
China Digital Times
The New York Times Chinese-language venture, launched this Wednesday, is off to a bumpy start. While the website itself is running, the site’s Sina Weibo account went down just hours after its launch. It was up again on Thursday evening. “Given that...
ChinaFile Recommends
06.28.12Old Grey Lady in Red China
Foreign Policy
The New York Times this week launched, its first foreign-language website, joining several Western newspapers and media outlets like the BBC, Forbes, Newsweek, and Time that have published Chinese-language editions, with varying...
ChinaFile Recommends
06.27.12NYTimes To Launch Chinese-Language News Site
New York Times
The New York Times is introducing a Chinese-language Web site, part of a continuing effort to expand its reach to international readers. The site, which is called and will go live Thursday morning, is intended to draw readers from the...