

The World’s Saddest Polar Bear

from chinadialogue
Pizza, “the world’s saddest polar bear,” is to be granted at least a temporary reprieve from the display case in which he lives in the Grandview shopping mall in Guangzhou, southern China. This follows a global outcry, a one-million-signature...

Green Space


Nu River Saved, Jack Ma Buys Preservation Land

Michael Zhao
A great piece of news came from China on the night of December 16, that the Yunnan provincial government in southwest China has announced its decision to not develop hydro-electric projects on the Nu River, also known as the Salween (link in Chinese...

Movie Review: ‘Wolf Totem’ Offers Majestic Vistas and Real Wolves

Mark Jenkins
Washington Post
The Movie lures and repels lovers of nature into the theater.

China’s Answer To Its Poverty Of Space: Moving Mountains

Eric Meyer
Chongqing, Shiyan, Yichang, Lanzhou and Yan’an. All belong to the “Yellow” China, a parched region tormented by a complicated geography that severely limits almost all human activities, such as farming, communications, construction or industry.

Panda Sex Exposé: Why Does the Male Struggle to Perform His Duty in Captivity?

Roger Dobson
Potentially earth-shaking research suggests that male pandas, famous for their struggles in “shaping up”, are much more attentive to females when exposed to the smell of a rival. 

Introducing Père David, the Bold Priest Who Brought Us Gerbils

Christopher Howse
Catholic Herald
French naturalist and missionary Armand David was one of the first westerners to set eyes on the giant panda, and contributed in familiarizing the West with other native Chinese species.