How Well Is China Advancing Its Interests in Southeast Asia?
Xi Jinping traveled to Southeast Asia last month to attend the G20 summit in Bali before moving on to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders’ meeting in Bangkok. The meetings came on the heels of Premier Li Keqiang’s...
Will Protests against China Push Beijing to Intervene in Myanmar?
Angry with the results of the November election, which saw a landslide win for the ruling National League for Democracy party, Myanmar’s military claimed electoral fraud. On February 1, they seized power from the civilian government, rounding up...
ChinaFile Recommends
04.10.18China’s Vast Intercontinental Building Plan Is Gaining Momentum
China’s massive build program to recreate trade routes stretching from Asia to Africa and Europe is gaining momentum.
ChinaFile Recommends
01.12.18How Myanmar Fits into China’s Global Power Ambitions
As the Myanmar government’s violent policy towards its Rohingya Muslims drew increasing international condemnation in 2016, the country’s sometime icon of democracy, Aung San Suu Kyi, declined to speak out for the persecuted minority.
ChinaFile Recommends
12.05.17Behind China’s Attempt to Ease the Rohingya Crisis
New York Times
Beijing strenuously avoids playing a high-profile part in ameliorating international humanitarian crises. Its most identifiable role in Myanmar had been to shield the local military from international criticism for carrying out what the United...
ChinaFile Recommends
12.04.17China Gets 300 Political Parties to Endorse Xi as Peacemaker
The signatures of almost 300 foreign political leaders on a document praising Chinese President Xi Jinping’s contribution to world peace has provided him valuable ammunition to counter arguments by those who fear the country’s rising international...
ChinaFile Recommends
11.20.17China Draws Three-Stage Path for Myanmar, Bangladesh to Resolve Rohingya Crisis
China called for a ceasefire in Myanmar’s Rakhine State so that Rohingya Muslim refugees can return from Bangladesh, proposing a three-stage approach to the crisis as diplomats from 51 mostly Asian and European countries gathered in Myanmar on...
Depth of Field
Refugees from Myanmar, Migrant Workers, and the Lantern Festival
from Yuanjin Photo
This month, we feature galleries published in February that showcase photographers’ interest in China’s borders and its medical woes, the lives of its minorities and their traditions and customs, and—in the case of Dustin Shum’s work—in a visual...
ChinaFile Recommends
12.20.16Thousands of Refugees from Myanmar May Have Fled to China Due to Fighting
Al Jazeera
As many as 15,000 people have fled across Myanmar’s border into China in the past month as fighting between the army and armed ethnic groups intensifies, the UN says
ChinaFile Recommends
11.22.16China Says it is Caring for Refugees from Myanmar Fighting
New York Times
China is caring for about 3,000 refugees who have entered its territory to escape fighting in Myanmar between the government and ethnic rebels
Depth of Field
Tornados and Drag Queens
from Yuanjin Photo
Being a photojournalist involves reacting to breaking news, a dedication to long-term projects, and everything in between. This month’s showcase of work by Chinese photographers published in Chinese media underscores this range of angles: from the...
ChinaFile Recommends
11.13.15China and Myanmar Face New Relationship
New York Times
Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi’s party, the National League for Democracy, had won most of the 491 seats contested in the election, with results still trickling in.
How Will Beijing Treat Myanmar’s Symbol of Democracy?
Burmese opposition leader Aung Sang Suu Kyi, the Nobel Peace Prize laureate who spent 15 years under house arrest in Myanmar, is visiting the leaders of the Chinese Communist Party in Beijing for five days this week, through Sunday. Also courted by...
Sinica Podcast
The Changing Look of China, Myanmar, and Visual Journalism—A Chat With Jonah Kessel
from Sinica Podcast
This week on Sinica, Jeremy and Kaiser are joined by Jonah M. Kessel, former freelance photographer and now full-time videographer for The New York Times who has covered a wide range of China stories, traveled widely through the country, and...
ChinaFile Recommends
03.11.14A Border City on the Edge of the Law
New York Times
Mongla in Myanmar is best known among Chinese tourists for its casinos and large selection of rare and endangered animals.
ChinaFile Recommends
07.29.13Myanmar-China Gas Pipeline Goes Into Operation
Global Post
As well as diversifying China’s sources of fuel, by supplying energy to the vast and less developed west the Myanmar-China gas pipeline could help Beijing’s attempts to promote economic growth there.
Sinica Podcast
Myanmar’s Uncertain Glasnost
from Sinica Podcast
Buddhist terrorists, military juntas, resource clashes, and pro-Western democracy movements? If China has lulled you into thinking that Southeast Asia is predictable and boring, join us for this week’s discussion of Myanmar, the former client state...
ChinaFile Recommends
05.23.13China Tries to Improve Image in a Changing Myanmar
New York Times
With its petrol projects challenged more than ever by activists energized by Myanmar’s democratic opening, China has been trying to repair its tarnished reputation among residents here, and in the country at large.
ChinaFile Recommends
05.16.13Myanmar Emerges: The People Vs. The Power
Global Post
Under half a century of dictatorship, dissidents used the arts to express outrage that would otherwise bring them long prison sentences. Now, they’re speaking out in solidarity with villagers whose anti-mine protests are captivating the nation...
ChinaFile Recommends
02.20.13China Considered Drone Strike On Foreign Soil In Hunt For Drug Lord
South China Morning Post
Liu Yuejin said one of the plans to end the manhunt for drug lord Naw Kham was to strafe a hideout in Myanmar using an unmanned aircraft.
Myanmar Envy
Chinese netizens’ reactions to tentative democratic reforms in neighboring Myanmar, including to the recent repeal of censorship rules for private publishers by the Southeast Asian nation’s reformist government, reflect just how closely it’s...