ChinaFile Recommends
08.30.17Green Gold: How China Quietly Grew into a Cannabis Superpower
South China Morning Post
Every year in April, Jiang Xingquan sets aside part of his farm in northern China to grow cannabis. The size of the plot varies with market demand but over the last few years it has been about 600 hectares.
Sinica Podcast
10.14.16An American’s Seven Months in a Chinese Jail
from Sinica Podcast
In 2009, Michael Manning was working in Beijing for a state-owned news broadcaster by day, but he spent his nights selling bags of hashish. His position with CCTV was easy and brought him into contact with Chinese celebrities, while his other trade...
ChinaFile Recommends
01.10.14As Cannabis is Widely Legalized, China Cashes in on an Unprecedented Boom
Almost 5,000 years ago, Chinese physicians recommended a tea made from cannabis leaves to treat a wide variety of conditions including gout and malaria.