ChinaFile Recommends
01.14.17Zhou Youguang, Architect of a Bridge between Languages, Dies At 111
Zhou Youguang, the inventor of a system to convert Chinese characters into words with the Roman alphabet, died Saturday at the age of 111.
ChinaFile Recommends
12.07.16After 1,000 Year Slumber, China Vows to Invent Again
Wall Street Journal
Beijing spends billions on moonshot projects, hoping to shake off its reputation as a copycat economy and curb dependence on foreign powers
‘Why Do Chinese Lack Creativity?’
On June 19, the University of Washington and elite Tsinghua University in Beijing announced a new, richly funded cooperative program to be based in Seattle and focused on a topic that has become a sore point in China: innovation. Republican...
Innovation in Britain and What it Means for China
On the occasion of a high-level British delegation’s visit to Beiing this week, Vincent Ni, the long-time New York-based U.S. correspondent for the independent Caixin Media group, shared his views about China’s ability to innovate relative to what...
ChinaFile Recommends
10.07.13In China, Lessons of a ‘Hackerspace’
Wall Street Journal
Do-it-yourself hubs are giving a boost to tinkerers and inventors.