ChinaFile Recommends
06.02.17Billionaire Anbang Boss Prevented from Leaving China
Financial Times
Acquisitive insurer sees plans stymied by financial controls and political infighting.
ChinaFile Recommends
03.13.17Kushners Set to Get $400 Million From Chinese Firm on Tower
Family company of president’s son-in-law in deal with Anbang, one of China’s largest insurance companies. Plan is circulating among investors for more equity partners.
ChinaFile Recommends
12.13.16China Stocks Drop as Insurers Face Crackdown
Wall Street Journal
China’s top securities regulator has accused some big insurers of behaving like ‘barbarians’
ChinaFile Recommends
04.30.15China Rethinks Safety Net for Its Banking System
New York Times
New deposit insurance could shake the public’s faith in the long-held belief in failsafe government bailouts.
ChinaFile Recommends
07.08.13Ping An of China Said to Buy Lloyds of London Building
Ping An Insurance Group Co., China’s second-largest insurer, agreed to buy the Lloyd’s of London building from a Commerz Real AG-managed fund, two people with knowledge of the transaction said.
Expanding Social Insurance Coverage in Urban China
World Bank
This paper first reviews the history of social insurance policy and coverage in urban China, documenting the evolution in the coverage of pensions and medical and unemployment insurance for both local residents and migrants, and highlighting...
Caixin Media
04.01.13Staking a New Claim on Internet Insurance
When three household brand names in China announced they would cooperate to form a company offering insurance services on the Internet, excitement naturally was the order of the day.Last year, Alibaba Group, Tencent Holdings, and Ping An Insurance...
Catastrophe Insurance Policy for China
World Bank
The vast majority of China’s population lies to the southeast of a line running from Beijing to Sichuan. This entire region is subjected to major floods each year, while typhoons affect the southern and eastern coastal areas and major...