ChinaFile Recommends
09.08.17Lacking a Point Person on China, U.S. Risks Aggravating Tensions
New York Times
The National Security Council is conducting a review of the White House’s China policy — taking into account Mr. Trump’s populist trade agenda and differences over how to curb the rogue government in North Korea. Aside from Mr. Trump himself, it...
ChinaFile Recommends
08.28.17India, China Agree to Pull Back Troops to Resolve Tense Border Dispute
Washington Post
India and China have withdrawn troops from a disputed Himalayan region on the border with China, foreign ministries from the two countries announced Monday, defusing a tense standoff that had threatened to provoke armed conflict between the nuclear-...
ChinaFile Recommends
03.01.17China Isn’t Displacing Traditional Aid Donors in Africa
Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi’s decision to make Africa his first stop on a five-nation tour in early January highlights the importance China places on its relations with Africa.
ChinaFile Recommends
02.28.17US-China Relations: Trump Meets Senior Official Yang Jiechi
A senior Chinese diplomat had a brief meeting with President Donald Trump while at the White House for talks with the president’s advisers
ChinaFile Recommends
02.07.17Donald Trump and China on Dangerous Collision Course, Say Experts
Report says ties between the two nuclear-armed countries could deteriorate into an economic or military confrontation.
ChinaFile Recommends
02.07.17China Judge Blasts Trump as “Enemy of Rule of Law”
A top Chinese judge has branded President Donald Trump a bully and “enemy of the rule of law” for attacking the US judiciary as China revels in the upheaval gripping the world’s leading democracy.
ChinaFile Recommends
02.07.17China, United States cannot afford conflict: Chinese foreign minister
There would be no winner from conflict between China and the United States, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi warned on Tuesday, seeking to dampen tension between the two nations that flared after the election of U.S. President Donald Trump.
ChinaFile Recommends
02.07.17How Trump Could Put U.S.-China Relations on the Right Track
Washington Post
Called “U.S. Policy Toward China: Recommendations for a New Administration,” the bipartisan report, produced by an 18-member panel.
ChinaFile Recommends
02.06.17Donald Trump Hasn’t Spoken with Chinese President Xi Jinping since Taking Office
Two weeks into his presidency, Donald Trump has spoken with 18 foreign heads-of-state, either by phone or in person. Xi Jinping’s name is conspicuously missing.
ChinaFile Recommends
01.25.17Hong Kong Denies Beijing Role in Seizure of Singaporean Troop Carriers
South China Morning Post
Customs chief says the enforcement action was based on Hong Kong law and also claims Singapore’s government was never a target for investigation
The China Africa Project
How Taiwan Became a Divisive Political Issue in South Africa
South Africa’s opposition party, the Democratic Alliance (DA), now sees the ruling African National Congress (ANC) party’s close ties to China as a vulnerability that the DA aims to exploit. Evidence of this new strategy came in December when the DA...
ChinaFile Recommends
01.24.17China Says Hopes Mongolia Learned Lesson after Dalai Lama Visit
China said on Tuesday it hopes Mongolia has learned a lesson and will keep a promise not to invite the Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama again after his visit in November led to a chill in relations.
ChinaFile Recommends
12.29.16China Warmly Welcomes a Giant Rooster With Trumpian Characteristics
New York Times
Trump’s golden quiff has appeared on a 23-foot tall rooster statue outside a shopping mall in the northern Chinese city of Taiyuan
ChinaFile Recommends
12.27.16China Resumes Ties with São Tomé, Which Turned Away from Taiwan
New York Times
Beijing suspended its relationship with São Tomé in 1997 after the African island nation established diplomatic ties with Taiwan
ChinaFile Recommends
12.23.16Stoking Tensions with China
New York Times
No relationship is more vital to international stability than that between the United States and China, but now there are dangerous new uncertainties
ChinaFile Recommends
12.22.16China Weighs Response to New U.S. Trade Foe
Wall Street Journal
Beijing considers retaliatory steps after Trump appoints China trade skeptic Peter Navarro
ChinaFile Recommends
12.22.16The Trouble With Trumps Dangerous Instincts on China
New Yorker
The President-elect has shown that his instinct is to turn the world’s significant bilateral relationships into frighteningly spectacular reality TV
ChinaFile Recommends
12.22.16“Brutal, Amoral, Ruthless, Cheating”: How Trump’s New Trade Tsar Sees China
Peter Navarro has been picked to lead US trade and industrial policy – a move that may upset Beijing
ChinaFile Recommends
12.20.16Chinese Navy Returns Seized Underwater Drone to U.S.
New York Times
A Chinese vessel returned the submersible drone to a United States Navy ship in international waters off the Philippines, near where it was taken
ChinaFile Recommends
12.20.16China’s State Media Has Been Mocking Donald Trump’s ‘Unpresidented’ Tweet
“Trump is not behaving as a President who will become master of the White House in a month”
ChinaFile Recommends
12.20.16U.S. Demands Return of Drone Seized by Chinese Warship
New York Times
The episode threatens to increase tensions in a region already fraught with great-power rivalries
ChinaFile Recommends
12.20.16China to Return Seized U.S. Drone, Says Washington ‘Hyping Up’ Incident
The drone incident has raised fresh concerns about China’s increased military presence and aggressive posture in the energy-rich South China Sea
ChinaFile Recommends
12.20.16Donald Trump Accuses China of ‘Unpresidented’ Act Over US Navy Drone
President-elect makes spelling error in belligerent early morning tweet; China says ‘hyping up’ of issue is not helpful but agrees return of vehicle
ChinaFile Recommends
12.20.16President Obama Says Donald Trump Should Deal Cautiously With Taiwan, China
Wall Street Journal
President warns successor to think through the consequences of his actions
ChinaFile Recommends
12.19.16Trump’s and Xi’s Differences Magnify Uncertainties Between U.S. and China
New York Times
Both came to power vowing to restore their nations to greatness...but that’s where the similarities end
ChinaFile Recommends
12.19.16China Says Trump’s Description of Drone Seizure as Theft is ‘Inaccurate’
Wall Street Journal
U.S., China militaries in smooth communication over drone, Chinese Foreign Ministry says
ChinaFile Recommends
12.16.16When China Bullies Its Neighbors, India Gets More Muscular
China’s increasingly rough-handed and assertive foreign policy towards its neighbors is raising India’s diplomatic and economic clout in the region
ChinaFile Recommends
12.14.16‘Friends Forever’? China Wary of Rex Tillerson Wooing Away Russia
Trump will have close ties to Moscow via its Secretary of State, but relations with Beijing are frosty. Could Sino-Russian ties be under threat?
ChinaFile Recommends
11.22.16U.S. Won’t Tolerate Pressure from China on Fugitive Families
China has upset Western countries by sending undercover agents to try and get suspects back, although it says it has changed tactics after complaints
Sinica Podcast
How Will Donald Trump’s Victory Impact China and U.S.-China Relations?
from Sinica Podcast
The U.S. election is over, and Donald Trump’s pundit-defying victory over Hillary Clinton has stunned and surprised people all over the world. In China—where activity on Weibo and WeChat indicated strong support for Trump among netizens both in...
ChinaFile Recommends
11.08.16Hong Kong Umbrellas, Chinese Maoism, Trump, Duterte, and Brexit: What’s the Link?
South China Morning Post
Why the global order is becoming ever more uncertain
ChinaFile Recommends
11.07.16The Coming Clash With China Over North Korea
Washington Post
Could the first foreign crisis of a potential Clinton presidency come not in the Middle East or with Russia, but in northeast Asia?
ChinaFile Recommends
11.03.16Ai Weiwei to West: Tackle China on Human Rights Whatever the Cost
‘It doesn’t matter it will hurt me or not – do what you think is right’: artist says Beijing has axed rule of law for anyone with contrary political views
ChinaFile Recommends
10.27.16China Does Itself No Favors With Its Threats
Nikkei Asian Review
If its economy keeps on growing, China’s sheer size, wealth and military reach may make a kind of Pax Sinica in the region inevitable
ChinaFile Recommends
10.25.16Duterte’s Fling With China Could Prove Fleeting
Wall Street Journal
Beijing will soon discover that Manila’s affections can be fickle
ChinaFile Recommends
10.19.16‘I Am Chinese’: Philippine President Duterte’s Awkward Charm Offensive in China
Having sanctioned thousands of extrajudicial killings, Duterte says his visit to China is “the defining moment of my presidency”
ChinaFile Recommends
10.18.16The Limits of Chinese Isolationism
Can a country doing business all over the world really avoid other peoples’ politics?
ChinaFile Recommends
10.17.16China Courts Philippines Leader Duterte Amid Signs of U.S. Rift
The Philippines president is visiting China, but whether his focus is on building relations or his country’s infrastructure remains to be seen
ChinaFile Recommends
10.11.16Familiarity and Contempt: Hillary Clinton’s 21-Year Relationship with China
South China Morning Post
US presidential candidate’s high-profile advocacy of human rights has riled leaders in Beijing
ChinaFile Recommends
10.06.16Is Beijing’s Growing Power Threatened by Foreign Influences? Chinese People Seem to Think So
South China Morning Post
According to a PEW Research Center survey, Chinese perceive the U.S. as a greater threat than the economic downturn, climate change, or ISIS
ChinaFile Recommends
10.05.16U.S., China Said to Discuss Choking Off North Korean Energy
Talks involve restrictions on coal, iron ore and crude oil
ChinaFile Recommends
10.03.16Is Philippine President Duterte Playing the United States and China?
South China Morning Post
Is the pivot away from the U.S. and towards China real, or is Manila just trying to play the two superpowers against each other?
ChinaFile Recommends
10.03.16China Eyes Ending Western Grip on Top U.N. Jobs With Greater Control Over Blue Helmets
Foreign Policy
As China steps up its commitment to U.N. peacekeeping, Beijing is said to be eyeing a leadership role — with potentially troubling human rights implications
The NYRB China Archive
China: The People’s Fury
from New York Review of Books
It has long been routine to find in both China’s official news organizations and its social media a barrage of anti-American comment, but rarely has it reached quite the intensity and fury of the last few days. There have been calls from citizens on...
ChinaFile Recommends
06.30.16Party Propaganda Rap Aims to ‘Tell Foreigners Truth’ About China
It says China has “terrible problems” but is peace-loving and affluent.
ChinaFile Recommends
02.09.16Q. and A.: Yan Xuetong Urges China to Adopt a More Assertive Foreign Policy
New York Times
Director at Tsinghua University advocates “moral realism” as China challenges the US for world leadership.
ChinaFile Recommends
06.25.15China Military Declines to Confirm Djibouti Base Plan
Though all countries have an interest in region peace and stability says China’s Defense Ministry, it declines to confirm Djibouti military base.
ChinaFile Recommends
07.14.14All Aboard: China’s Railway Dream
At Asia’s biggest rail cargo base in Chengdu in south-west China, the cranes are hard at work, swinging containers from trucks onto a freight train. The containers are filled with computers, clothes, even cars.
The China Africa Project
Terrorism: U.S. and China’s Common Enemy in Africa
While U.S. and Chinese interests often have divergent interests in Africa, they do share at least one common enemy: terrorism. Chinese nationals have been kidnapped and held for ransom in a number of African countries, including South Sudan, Egypt,...
ChinaFile Recommends
03.05.14China, Eyeing Japan, Seeks WWII Focus For Xi’s Germany Visit
China wants to make World War Two a key part of a trip by President Xi Jinping to Germany next month, much to Berlin’s discomfort as Beijing tries to use German atonement for its wartime past to embarrass Japan.
ChinaFile Recommends
01.23.14Senior Diplomat William Burns in China Amid Tension Over Beijing’s Military Development, Island Disputes
CBS News
The meeting was seen as helpful in clearing up misunderstanding, but nothing in the way of significant progress.
ChinaFile Recommends
10.28.13Who Will Win Control of the South China Sea?
New York Times
To understand how Second Thomas Shoal could become contested ground is to enter into a morass of competing historical, territorial and even moral claims in an area where defining what is true or fair may be no easier than it has proved to...
ChinaFile Recommends
04.25.13China To Send North Korea Envoy To Washington
China will send its special envoy on North Korea to the United States next week for talks on maintaining peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula, the foreign ministry said on Friday.
The NYRB China Archive
04.04.13Will the Chinese Be Supreme?
from New York Review of Books
During the turbulent Maoist era from the 1950s to 1970s, China clashed militarily with some of its most important neighbors—India, Vietnam, the Soviet Union—and embarked on disastrous interventions in Indonesia and Africa. But by the 1980s, Deng...
Caixin Media
When I Met Xi Jinping
I was informed in late November that the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs (SAFEA) had invited me to a whole-day meeting in Beijing to discuss my impressions of the 18th National Party Congress and give advice to the Chinese government...
ChinaFile Recommends
06.27.12Got a Dream and an Idea, Go to China
New Yorker
America is not the only great power struggling with how to handle the future of foreigners in its midst. As the Supreme Court indicated in its mixed decision Monday on Arizona’s immigration-enforcement law, the question of how we regard those who...
Shades of Red: China’s Debate Over North Korea
International Crisis Group
North Korea has created a number of foreign policy dilemmas for China. The latest round of provocations makes Beijing’s balancing act between supporting a traditional ally and responding to its dangerous brinkmanship more difficult, especially when...