ChinaFile Recommends
12.22.17AP Exclusive: Anger with China Drives Uighurs to Syria Fight
Since 2013, thousands of Uighurs, a Turkic-speaking Muslim minority from western China, have traveled to Syria to train with the Uighur militant group Turkistan Islamic Party and fight alongside al-Qaida.
Why Are So Many Tibetans Moving to Chinese Cities?
China’s Tibetan areas have been troubled by unrest since 2008, when protests swept the plateau, followed by a series of self-immolations which continue to this day. The Chinese state, as part of its arsenal of responses, has intensified urbanization...
ChinaFile Recommends
12.20.16Thousands of Refugees from Myanmar May Have Fled to China Due to Fighting
Al Jazeera
As many as 15,000 people have fled across Myanmar’s border into China in the past month as fighting between the army and armed ethnic groups intensifies, the UN says
ChinaFile Recommends
11.28.16Animosity in a Burmese Hub Deepens as Chinese Get Richer
New York Times
Locals view Chinese as taking advantage of Mandalay’s location and resources. Chinese view locals as beneath them, slow at business and making money.
ChinaFile Recommends
11.22.16China Says it is Caring for Refugees from Myanmar Fighting
New York Times
China is caring for about 3,000 refugees who have entered its territory to escape fighting in Myanmar between the government and ethnic rebels
ChinaFile Recommends
11.02.16China Mayor Probed After ‘Minority Women Use Witchcraft to Ensnare Men’ Comments
A top official apparently veered from a seemingly positive agenda to highlight concerns about the minority, which is known in China for being superstitious
Let One Hundred Panthers Bloom
“Chairman Mao says that death comes to all of us, but it varies in its significance: to die for the reactionary is lighter than a feather; to die for the revolution is heavier than Mount Tai.” So wrote Huey P. Newton, founder of the Black Panther...
The China Africa Project
What Do Zambians Really Think of Chinese Immigrants?
For decades, Zambia had been the flash point of anti-Chinese sentiment in Africa. Late president and outspoken opposition leader Michael Sata was unrivaled in his seething criticisms of both China and the Chinese who had migrated to his country...
The China Africa Project
Chinese Racist Views Towards Blacks and Africans
When riots broke out in the U.S. city of Baltimore in May 2015, the reaction across the Chinese social web was sadly predictable as Internet users posted countless anti-black racist comments. However, what was interesting about their posts is how...
Sinica Podcast
Identity, Race, and Civilization
from Sinica Podcast
It doesn’t take much exposure to China to realize the pervasiveness of identity politics here. Indeed, whether in the Chinese government’s occasionally hamfisted efforts to micromanage ethnic minority cultures or the Foreign Ministry’s soft-...
ChinaFile Recommends
07.13.12Inner Mongolia: Mining the Grasslands
LOCAL legend has it that the beauty of the grasslands in Xilin Gol, a prefecture in eastern Inner Mongolia, so captivated the 13th-century warrior Genghis Khan that he planned to settle down there once his battles were over. He might be less...
Sinica Podcast
Racism in China
from Sinica Podcast
Racism isn’t a problem in China. That’s the official story you’ll read in the papers and hear on the streets, at least, and maybe there’s even a kernel of truth to it. Without a legacy of colonial activities abroad, the Chinese people are in many...