ChinaFile Recommends
02.07.17Using Stealth, and Drones, to Document a Fading Hong Kong
New York Times
If history was any guide, the explorers said, the building the drone was filming—a 1952 theater with unusual roof supports—would eventually be demolished because it is not on Hong Kong’s list of declared monuments.
ChinaFile Recommends
12.20.16Drone Diplomacy
Vice News
Trump’s tweets at China over a drone are intensifying an already strained relationship
ChinaFile Recommends
12.20.16Chinese Navy Returns Seized Underwater Drone to U.S.
New York Times
A Chinese vessel returned the submersible drone to a United States Navy ship in international waters off the Philippines, near where it was taken
ChinaFile Recommends
12.20.16U.S. Demands Return of Drone Seized by Chinese Warship
New York Times
The episode threatens to increase tensions in a region already fraught with great-power rivalries
ChinaFile Recommends
12.20.16China to Return Seized U.S. Drone, Says Washington ‘Hyping Up’ Incident
The drone incident has raised fresh concerns about China’s increased military presence and aggressive posture in the energy-rich South China Sea
ChinaFile Recommends
12.20.16Donald Trump Accuses China of ‘Unpresidented’ Act Over US Navy Drone
President-elect makes spelling error in belligerent early morning tweet; China says ‘hyping up’ of issue is not helpful but agrees return of vehicle
ChinaFile Recommends
12.19.16China Says Trump’s Description of Drone Seizure as Theft is ‘Inaccurate’
Wall Street Journal
U.S., China militaries in smooth communication over drone, Chinese Foreign Ministry says
ChinaFile Recommends
05.16.16Hong Kong Man Arrested in China for Drone Disruption Plot: Xinhua
The unnamed man, arrested in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen, was a “sponsor” of Hong Kong’s opposition camp.
ChinaFile Recommends
04.20.16China Drone Maker Says It May Share Data With State
New York Times
What should be done with the information those drones gather?
ChinaFile Recommends
12.17.15Use by Iraqi Military May Be a Boon for China-Made Drones
New York Times
Soldiers used the Chinese drone on Dec. 6 to destroy an ISIS position amid efforts to retake the city of Ramadi.
Caixin Media
Tech Takeoff Lifts Drone Industry to New Heights
A tech evolution and falling production costs have allowed drones to make the flight off military bases and Hollywood production lots to the hands of ordinary people and government agencies.It has become routine to see these small unmanned aerial...