Depth of Field
‘A Letter to My Friend under Quarantine in Wuhan’
from Yuanjin Photo
Highlighting Chinese visual storytellers’ coverage of COVID-19 inside China. Some of these storytellers were on the ground documenting the experience of residents and medical workers in Wuhan, the city where the virus first emerged. Other...
What Chinese High School Students Learn in America
In 2011, when a rural prep school in Maine invited New York-based director Miao Wang to screen her first film, Beijing Taxi, she was surprised to find so many Chinese students enrolled at the archetypal New England establishment. Not Chinese-...
ChinaFile Recommends
10.16.17“We Could All Be Potential Refugees”: Ai Weiwei on the Epic Journey Of “Human Flow”
Ai shot 900 hours of footage and conducted 600 interviews over the course of a year, and edited the film over six months.
ChinaFile Recommends
12.05.16Two Movies China Desperately Wants to Hide
Boston Globe
In China, prisoners of conscience are literally being butchered. These films take a look inside China’s organ harvesting market.
Using Free Sex to Expose Sexual Abuse in China
Nanfu Wang hoped that a woman called Ye Haiyan (“Hooligan Sparrow”), who had offered free sex on the Internet to draw attention to the plight of poor women selling their bodies to support their children, would lead her to the prostitutes she wanted...
‘River Town’ the Movie
from China Film Insider
Not since Iron and Silk premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in 1991 has a movie based on a memoir about teachers on the front lines of U.S.-China relations come to the big screen. Director Shirley Sun’s mostly-English-language film adaptation of...
ChinaFile Recommends
09.11.15A Bold New Instagram Collaboration Offers Fresh Eyes on China
Washington Post
The Eyes on China Project, a bold new collaboration between foreign and Chinese photographers, aims to broaden that view by bringing you photography, and photographers, that might not otherwise make it over the Great Firewall.