ChinaFile Recommends
03.16.17China Consumer Day Show Skewers Nike Shoes, Muji Foods
China’s annual consumer rights day television show turned its spotlight on U.S. sports brand Nike Inc for misleading advertising and Japanese brand Muji for selling food products allegedly sourced from part of Japan affected by radiation.
ChinaFile Recommends
12.01.16Though Awash in Fakes, China Rethinks Counterfeit Hunters
New York Times
As China grows and matures, and moves to protect brands and ideas, it still struggles with how to get rid of fakes. Enter Mr. Ji.
ChinaFile Recommends
10.22.15In China, Strong-Arm Tour Guides Are Forcing People to Shop
Los Angeles Times
It may sound like a spendthrift’s dream vacation: being “forced to shop.”
Sinica Podcast
The Transgressions of Apple Computer
from Sinica Podcast
While foreign media coverage these last two weeks has focused on environmental disasters, over-fishing, and emerging forms of the avian flu, the Chinese state media has turned its gaze towards the transgressions of Apple Computer, which found itself...