As Macron Arrives in Beijing, What’s Next for Europe and China?
One year after the EU-China Summit of April 2022—famously described as a “dialogue of the deaf” by EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell—relations between Europe and China remain tense and further complicated by China’s ongoing stance towards Russia...
The Future of Huawei in Europe
On October 9, the European Commission and the European Agency for Cybersecurity released their long-awaited risk assessment of the region’s 5G network. Written with input from all 28 European Union members, the report warned about a 5G supplier from...
ChinaFile Recommends
08.02.18Germany Toughens Stance and Blocks China Deal
Sydney Morning Herald
Merkel's cabinet on Wednesday voted to block the potential purchase of German machine tool manufacturer Leifeld Metal Spinning by a Chinese investor. The government took the precautionary measure even though the Yantai Taihai Group indicated at...
Germany Needs China to Save the Global Order from Trump
from Mercator Institute for China Studies
The U.S. president’s attacks on multilateralism may push Chancellor Merkel into an unlikely alliance with Beijing. Germany and the EU have to test ways to work with China in the absence of transatlantic coordination. The goal must be to organize an...
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12.11.17Germany Says China Seeking to Ensnare Officials on LinkedIn
Financial Times
Chinese intelligence agencies are using social networks such as LinkedIn to establish contact with German politicians and officials, according to a study by Germany’s internal security service.
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08.23.17Germany Is Trying to Stop China from Gobbling up Its Companies — but There May Be a Downside
Think of Germany and it isn’t long before visions of bustling business districts and thriving manufacturing plants spring to mind. It isn’t surprising: it’s these industries that have elevated the country to rank among the world’s leading economies...
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07.12.17Diplomats Fear Beijing Is Stalling on Allowing Liu Xiaobo out of China
Diplomats in Beijing say time is running out for the ailing Nobel laureate Liu Xiaobo to go overseas for treatment and fear China’s top leaders are deliberately stalling the process until it is no longer safe for medics to move him.
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07.11.17Liu Xiaobo: German Anger at China over Hospital Videos
Germany has issued a sharp rebuke to China after videos of Western doctors visiting ailing Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo in hospital were posted online.
Four More Previously Unlisted Entities Become PSUs
Based on data released on June 28, the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) has permitted four additional entities to become Professional Supervisory Units (PSUs) for foreign NGOs. The addition of these four new PSUs confirms that the MPS is actively...
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06.05.17China PM’s ‘Dream Team’ Should Be Asia, Not Europe
Last Thursday (May 29), Mr. Li Keqiang’s “dream team” became “golden partnership” as he presented in Berlin a glowing report card on a lucrative alignment between “Made in China 2025” – an innovation-driven manufacturing – and Germany’s “Industry 4...
German Political Foundations Register in Beijing
On May 23, the Beijing Public Security Bureau’s Foreign NGO Management Office presented four German organizations with their representative office registration certificates: Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung, Heinrich Böll Foundation, Rosa Luxembourg...
German Political Foundations May Be Able to Register as NGOs in China
According to German media reports, China’s Ministry of Public Security has determined that five of Germany’s political foundations—Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Heinrich Böll Foundation, Hanns Seidel Foundation, and Rosa...
ChinaFile Recommends
02.24.17China Overtakes U.S. and France as Germany’s Biggest Trading Partner
China for the first time became Germany’s most important trading partner in 2016, overtaking the United States, which fell back to third place behind France, data showed on Friday.
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11.16.16China and Germany: the Honeymoon is Over
A visit to China by Germany’s economics minister highlighted the beginning to a blunter approach to bilateral relations.
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11.03.16EU Commissioner Oettinger Apologizes for China Speech
In a speech to German business leaders he described Chinese officials as having "hair combed... with black shoe polish" and "slitty-eyed"
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11.01.16Germany Inc. Is Not for Sale to China, Berlin Says
Foreign Policy
And Beijing has made clear that it has “great concern” over this turn of events
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06.08.16China’s Deal Makers Have German Tech Firms In Their Sights
Wall Street Journal
Chinese investors are buying German companies at about one per week in 2016....
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03.24.16German President Presses China on Political Prisoners During Visit
New York Times
Gauck delivered a speech in Shanghai that criticized repressive political states and called for civil society to be allowed to flourish.
German President Joachim Gauck’s Speech at Tongji University in Shanghai
from Der Bundespräsident
On Wednesday, March 23, German President Joachim Gauck addressed an audience of university students in Shanghai. Among many views not typically aired in public in China, Gauck, a former Luterhan minister and anti-communist organizer, told the crowd...
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04.23.15China Fines Daimler’s Mercedes-Benz for Price-Fixing
China is the world's No. 1 car market and foreign automakers have been under scrutiny for allegedly overcharging customers.
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04.15.15BMW China Dealers Press Auto Maker for More Financial Support
Wall Street Journal
In letter to German luxury car maker, dealers call on BMW to set more realistic sales targets.
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04.02.14Maybe Heads of State Shouldn’t Give Maps as Presents
An antique map of China gifted by the German Chancellor to China's President is at odds with how China views its historical boundaries.
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03.11.14Xi Jinping’s Germany Trip: Berlin Nixes Holocaust Memorial Request
Spiegel Online
Amid tensions over Japan’s historical war crimes, Chinese President Xi Jinping had wanted Chancellor Angela Merkel to show him World War II memorials during his upcoming visit to Berlin. Germany, however, wants no part of Beijing’s propaganda...
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02.25.14China, Eyeing Japan, Seeks WW2 Focus for Xi During Germany Visit
Diplomatic sources said Germany did not want to get dragged into the dispute between China and Japan, and dislikes China constantly bringing up Germany's painful past.
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03.01.13Cyber Menace: Digital Spying Burdens German-Chinese Relations
Spiegel Online
European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company’s (EADS) firewalls have been exposed to attacks by hackers for years, but now company officials say there was “a more conspicuous” attack a few months ago.