What Should the U.S. Do about China’s Barring Foreign Reporters?
Last week, the White House said it was “very disappointed” in China for denying a visa to another journalist working for The New York Times in Beijing, forcing him to leave the country after eight years. What else should the U.S. government...
ChinaFile Recommends
01.30.14White House ‘Very Disappointed’ NYT Reporter was Forced to Leave China
Weekly Standard
The statement also raised concerns about the treatment of foreign journalists in China.
ChinaFile Recommends
01.30.14China Forces New York Times Reporter to Leave Country
Washington Post
Ramzy’s forced departure will result in the first full-time Times correspondent stationed in Taiwan.
ChinaFile Recommends
01.29.14Beijing Forces U.S. Reporter to Leave China
USA Today
“The government is punishing the Times for the content of its seems as simple as that.”
ChinaFile Recommends
01.24.14Why China Needs to Rethink the Way It Treats the Foreign Press
New Yorker
A new report on elite wealth by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists suggests Beijing may need to change its whack-a-mole strategy of removing offending reporters one by one.