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11.23.16What Does a Fried Chicken Restaurant Have to do With Prostitution? China Wants to Know
One business in China is learning that a play on words can get it in trouble with the government
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11.15.16New Wave of Chinese Restaurants Challenge “Cheap” Stereotype
A new generation of immigrant restaurateurs is aiming to offer an updated spin on the Chinese restaurant, with prices to match
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09.27.16Long Absent in China, Tipping Makes a Comeback at a Few Trendy Restaurants
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Sinica Podcast
Beijing’s Great Leap Forward: Microbrew in China
from Sinica Podcast
Great Leap Brewing is an institution. As one of the earliest American-style microbreweries in China, not only has the company rescued us from endless nights of Snow and Yanjing, but it has also given us something uniquely Chinese with its assortment...
The China Africa Project
A Chinese Perspective on the #RacistRestaurant Scandal in Kenya
The Chinese restaurant in Nairobi that barred Africans after 5pm sparked a frenzied week of news coverage on both local and international media and, of course, on Twitter. The actions of this small, inconsequential restaurant seemingly took on much...
ChinaFile Recommends
10.08.14The Kitchen Network
New Yorker
“Customers are here already!” the restaurant’s owner, a wiry Chinese man in his fifties, barked. He dropped a heavy container onto the metal counter with a crash. “How can you possibly be moving this slowly?”
ChinaFile Recommends
04.22.14Xi’s Corruption Crackdown Hits China's Restaurants
Dirty officials aren’t the only ones getting slammed as Xi Jinping continues his crackdown on corruption and waste. China’s restaurant industry grew 9 percent, to 2.56 trillion yuan ($411 billion), last year, its slowest growth in more than two...