What China’s Reading: ‘Broken Dreams, USA’

Zhou Xiaoping, a 33-year-old selfie-snapping blogger, has quickly become the new face of Chinese patriotism—or, some would say, nationalism. On October 15, Chinese President Xi Jinping held a forum in Beijing in which the president called for art to serve socialist ends. Among those lauded by name was Zhou, who has rocketed to prominence with a number of blog entries harshly critical of the United States.

Nic Cavell

Nic Cavell is a writer and translator living in Brooklyn. His work has appeared in Dissent and The New Inquiry. He was an Editorial Intern with ChinaFile at Asia Society and is a graduate of Brown University.

China’s Crackdown on Dissent Shows How Nervous Its Leaders Are

The legal assault on a critic of Mao gives a flavor of the current climate. Tie Liu is the pen name of Huang Zerong, 81, who has collected and published memoirs of people who were purged by Chinese dictator Mao Zedong in the 1950s and 1960s.