ChinaFile Recommends
03.31.16China Has the Most Coal Plants in the World—and Half the Time They’re Doing Absolutely Nothing
Time-lag and decentralization of government contributed to excessive coal plants.
ChinaFile Recommends
03.31.16China’s Banks Report Slowest Growth in 10 Years in 2015
Wall Street Journal
Country’s ailing economy leading to more bad loans, pushing lenders toward riskier expansion strategies.
The China Africa Project
When China Sneezes, Does Africa Catch a Cold?
Chinese government officials have been on an all-out public relations offensive across Africa lately to reassure increasingly nervous political and business leaders that even though China’s economy may be slowing it will not affect the P.R.C.’s...
ChinaFile Recommends
03.27.16Thailand Calls Off Deal for China to Finance Railway
Wall Street Journal
Thailand has been struggling to secure what it considers a satisfactory financing deal from Beijing for the 250 kilometer rail line.
ChinaFile Recommends
03.25.16How Trump’s Hard Line on Trade Could Backfire
Wall Street Journal
“If they don’t behave,” the Republican businessman warned at a debate, Chinese companies under a Trump presidency could face tariffs of 45%.
The China Africa Project
Continental Shift: How China is Changing Africa
For their new book, Continental Shift: A Journey into Africa’s 21st Century, South African authors Kevin Bloom and Richard Poplak embarked on a 14-country odyssey across two continents over a span of five years to report on Africa’s changing...
Why China’s Economy Can’t Collapse
from Radio Free Asia
China’s economic outlook once again became the focus of attention for many last week. For one thing, the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) listed the possibility of a hard landing for China’s economy as the topmost of the world’s top 10 risks. There...
ChinaFile Recommends
03.24.16Yi Fuxian, Critic of China’s Birth Policy, Returns as an Invited Guest
New York Times
“I can go to Boao because the Chinese government isn’t against me anymore!”
German President Joachim Gauck’s Speech at Tongji University in Shanghai
from Der Bundespräsident
On Wednesday, March 23, German President Joachim Gauck addressed an audience of university students in Shanghai. Among many views not typically aired in public in China, Gauck, a former Luterhan minister and anti-communist organizer, told the crowd...
ChinaFile Recommends
03.23.16China’s Struggle for a New Normal
Financial Times
Beijing seems strangely indecisive on the economy and yet increasingly authoritarian in politics.
ChinaFile Recommends
03.22.16Russia Deals Deepen India Hold in China Oil-Buying Backyard
India is replacing China as the center of the world’s oil demand growth as its economy expands faster than any other major country.
ChinaFile Recommends
03.22.16A Growing Corner of China’s $2 Trillion Mortgage Market Looks a Lot Like the U.S. Subprime Bubble
“If China allows high leverage in the housing market, it could lead to a financial disaster.”
ChinaFile Recommends
03.22.16Hong Kong Feels, and Fears, China’s Tighter Grip
Associated Press
Political and economic ills from the mainland are eroding HK.
ChinaFile Recommends
03.21.16IMF Pressing China to Disclose More Data on Currency Operations
Wall Street Journal
In recent months, the People’s Bank of China has increasingly turned to the derivatives market to help prop up the currency.
ChinaFile Recommends
03.21.16China’s Fix for Massive Corporate Debt: Sell More Stock
Zhou’s solution to the corporate debt problem is that the Chinese companies need to go out and issue stock.
ChinaFile Recommends
03.18.16China Banks Face Credit Risks from Ties to Wealth Management Products
While WMPs offer high interest rates, it isn’t always clear what assets the funds are buying to finance those payouts.
ChinaFile Recommends
03.17.16China Banks Face Credit Risks from Ties to Wealth Management Products
Chinese banks are creating a web of risk through their WMPs, raising concerns about the health of the financial system.
ChinaFile Recommends
03.16.16China Approves New Five-Year Plan as Li Reassures on Economy
The National People’s Congress ended with a new five-year plan, aiming for 6.5-7% growth a year by 2020.
ChinaFile Recommends
03.15.16China’s Ever-Expanding U.S. Footprint
CBS News
A group of investors including China’s Anbang Insurance Co. announced an unsolicited $14 billion offer for Starwood Hotels.
ChinaFile Recommends
03.15.16China-EU Relations: Crisis and Opportunity
The decision to grant China Market Economy Status is a major inflection point in bilateral ties.
The China Africa Project
Africa’s Role in China’s One Belt, One Road Global Trade Strategy
China’s lofty ambition to revive its ancient silk road trading routes is now becoming a reality. When complete, One Belt, One Road (OBOR), or the Maritime Silk Road as it is more commonly known, will connect China via rail and shipping links with...
ChinaFile Recommends
03.14.16How Much Foreign Debt Has China Repaid?
China began to repay its foreign debt, which promotes systemic stability but puts a downward pressure on yuan.
ChinaFile Recommends
03.14.16Why Donald Trump Is Wrong About Manufacturing Jobs and China
New Yorker
Factory jobs are on the rise here, and many of these new jobs are coming back to North America from China.
ChinaFile Recommends
03.11.16Reaganomics Finds Friends In High Places In China
In response to worldwide demands that China manage its economy better, Xi Jinping has proposed what he calls “supply-side structural reform.”
ChinaFile Recommends
03.09.16The China Intervention Trade Is Back as State Funds Battle Bears
The stock market is a battleground for bearish investors and state-directed funds determined to spark a rally.
ChinaFile Recommends
03.08.16China Exports, Imports Fall Sharply in February
China’s exports fell 25.4 percent on-year in February, while imports declined 13.8 percent, clocking far bigger slides than expected.
ChinaFile Recommends
03.08.16China Desperately Needs Low-Income Migrant Workers to Buy Homes and Save the Economy
You can’t ignore the lower-end demand because there is none at the higher end.
The China Africa Project
As Economy Worsens, Chinese Migrants in Africa Confront New Challenges
Thousands of Chinese migrants who settled in Africa over the past 10 years now face mounting uncertainty as economic growth slows across the continent and back home in China. While there are no reliable estimates as to how many Chinese migrants...
ChinaFile Recommends
03.07.16China’s Growth Addiction Leaves Deleveraging in Back Seat
Rule No.1 in China’s blueprint for the next five years: give top priority to development.
ChinaFile Recommends
03.07.16Ailing Economy Slows China’s Military Expansion
Wall Street Journal
Much of this year’s budget will go toward major restructuring of armed forces, official says.
China’s Coming Ideological Wars
For most Chinese, the 1990s were a period of intense material pragmatism. Economic development was the paramount social and political concern, while the various state ideologies that had guided policy during the initial decades of the People’s...
ChinaFile Recommends
03.04.16Xi Jinping’s Remedy for China’s Economic Gloom Has Echoes of Reaganomics
New York Times
President Xi Jinping has begun pushing a remedy that sounds less like Marx and Mao than Reagan and Thatcher.
ChinaFile Recommends
03.04.16Why You Should Care about China’s National People’s Congress
It is an opportunity to gauge what Chinese leaders may be thinking about the economy.
ChinaFile Recommends
03.03.16Death and Despair in China’s Rustbelt
The river plain once at the forefront of the Communist Party’s first attempt at a modern economy has become a valley of brutal murder, protests, and suicide.
ChinaFile Recommends
03.01.16Dodging Critics and Soothing Fears, China Meets Its G-20 Goals
China pulled off a win at the Shanghai Group of 20 meeting of global finance leaders after months of angst abroad over economic and policy direction.
ChinaFile Recommends
03.01.16China Expects to Lay off 1.8 Million Workers in Coal, Steel Sectors
China expects to lay off about 15 percent of the workforce, as part of efforts to reduce industrial overcapacity.
Why China Isn’t Hosting Syrian Refugees
The civil war in Syria, now spanning almost half a decade, and the Islamic State’s territorial advances there have led to the world’s worst refugee crisis in decades. More than 4.7 million Syrians have left their homeland, pouring into neighboring...
ChinaFile Recommends
02.29.16China Warns U.S. After Trump Wins Nevada Caucus
Washington Free Beacon
China warned the U.S. not to adopt punitive currency policies that could disrupt U.S.-China relations after Donald Trump’s win in the Nevada caucus.
ChinaFile Recommends
02.26.16As China’s Economic Picture Turns Uglier, Beijing Applies Airbrush
New York Times
This month, Chinese banking officials omitted currency data from closely watched economic reports.
ChinaFile Recommends
02.26.16China’s Richest Man Wang Jianlin Urges Beijing to Motivate Officials for Economic Growth
South China Morning Post
Wang told an audience at Oxford University that inaction by some officials stemmed from “flaws in systematic design.”
Caixin Media
Regulators Leave Wealth Management Industry Unplugged
Financial market supervisors admit that gaping holes pockmark the regulatory fences they’ve built in recent years to control the wealth management industry and protect its investors.By occasionally introducing new rules and regulations, supervisors...
The China Africa Project
China/Africa Vs. China/South America
China’s engagement in Africa is often seen by many observers in a vacuum without a broader understanding of how the relationship compares to Beijing’s strategy in other regions of the world. South America, in particular, provides an interesting...
How Long Can China’s Internet Thrive if the Rest of the World Gets Shut Out?
Last week, Chinese authorities announced that as of March 10, foreign-invested companies would not be allowed to publish anything on the Chinese Internet unless they have obtained government permission to publish with a Chinese partner. What does...
ChinaFile Recommends
02.22.16China: No More Weird Buildings
New guidelines will forbid the construction of “bizarre” and “odd-shaped” buildings that are devoid of character or cultural heritage.
ChinaFile Recommends
02.22.16China’s Excess Production Has Intensified Slowdown, Business Group Says
New York Times
The failure of Chinese leaders to tackle the problem of excess industrial production has intensified an economic slowdown.
Caixin Media
Central Bank Governor on Reforming the Exchange Rate, Adopting a Digital Currency
Recently Zhou Xiaochuan, Governor of the People’s Bank of China (PBOC), China’s central bank, had an interview with Caixin and talked about the yuan exchange rate regime reform, macro-prudential policy framework, digital currency, and other topics...
ChinaFile Recommends
02.17.16The China Delusion
Project Syndicate
The current exchange-rate anxiety is just a symptom of China’s transition from an export-led growth strategy to one propelled by domestic consumption proceeding less smoothly than hoped.
The NYRB China Archive
Lost in China’s Exploding Future
from New York Review of Books
Chinese director Jia Zhangke’s new movie, Mountains May Depart, begins with a disco dance in a bleak mining town to the sounds of “Go West” by the Pet Shop Boys. It is the lunar New Year, 1999. Outside, the end of the millennium is celebrated in a...
ChinaFile Recommends
02.10.16‘China Has Only One Real Ally’
Business Insider
Director of the Institute for International Relations at Tsinghua University believes China’s only real ally is Pakistan.
ChinaFile Recommends
02.09.16Invisible Bridges
New Yorker
Over the past two centuries, there have been periodic tensions between Russia and China, including some serious border conflicts, and historically Russia has usually held the upper hand. But nowadays, at the personal level, Monteleone notices a...
ChinaFile Recommends
02.08.16China’s ‘Zombie Commodities’ Haunt the Market
Nikkei Asian Review
China has a record-breaking stockpile of farm commodities that has been languishing in warehouses for years, declining in value.
ChinaFile Recommends
02.05.16Growing Concern in U.S. Over China’s Drive to Make Chips
New York Times
U.S. officials blocked the proposed purchase for $2.9 billion of a controlling stake in a unit of the Dutch electronics company Philips by Chinese investors.
ChinaFile Recommends
02.05.16In ‘Communist’ China, Alibaba is Training People to Shop Online
One strategy Alibaba has for trying to stem the economic slowdown is to make sure as many of China’s 1.3 billion people as possible can shop online.
ChinaFile Recommends
02.04.16A New Shenzhen? Poor Pakistan Fishing Town’s Horror at Chinese Plans
The mega-port will bring five-star hotels and Chinese access to the Arabian Sea.
ChinaFile Recommends
02.04.16The Unreal, Eerie Emptiness of China’s Ghost Cities
Kangbashi is one of hundreds of sparkling new cities sitting relatively empty throughout China, built by a government eager to urbanize the country.
Caixin Media
Tough Times call for Tougher Reform Push
Beijing has has done a good job in terms of industrializing the country but will face unprecedented challenges when dealing with a service-driven economy.
‘The New Yorker’ on China
Following is an edited transcript of a live event hosted at Asia Society New York on December 17, 2015, “ChinaFile Presents: The New Yorker On China.” (The full video appears above.) The evening, introduced by Asia Society President Josette Sheeran...
Sinica Podcast
The China Meltdown
from Sinica Podcast
[—Editors note: this podcast was recorded on January 18, 2016]With equity markets in free fall, housing prices skipping downwards, foreign reserves plummeting, and industrial production on a road trip back to the last decade, it’s no surprise...
Is George Soros Right that China’s Headed for a Hard Landing?
On Tuesday in an article headlined, “Declaring War on China’s Currency? Ha ha,” the People’s Daily attacked billionaire investor George Soros for suggesting he might short the renminbi. The Chinese currency has dropped 5.7 percent since August when...
ChinaFile Recommends
01.25.16China Deepens Its Footprint in Iran After Lifting Sanctions
New York Times
Both countries agreed to increase trade to $600 billion in the coming decade.