ChinaFile Recommends
10.14.16China’s Marriage Rate is Plummeting Because More Women are Choosing Autonomy over Intimacy
One of the greatest fears of Chinese parents is coming true: China’s young people are turning away from marriage. The trend is also worrying the government
ChinaFile Recommends
10.12.16Poignant Portraits Show What it is Like Being LGBT in China
Washington Post
Despite being decriminalized in 1997, homosexuality is still heavily stigmatized in China.
ChinaFile Recommends
10.12.16Dating Shows are a Massive Hit in China--and They're Changing Traditional Views on Love and Marriage
Is “I’d rather weep in a BMW than laugh on a bike” becoming the norm?
ChinaFile Recommends
10.28.13Mixed Marriages in China a Labour of Love
In 1978, there was not a single inter-racial marriage registered in mainland China, according to government figures. But the numbers of Chinese marrying foreigners has gradually risen, with 53,000 such couples tying the knot in 2012.&...