China’s Oil Collapse Is Unintentionally Helping OPEC

OPEC’s campaign to prop up oil prices is getting unlikely support from its biggest customer.

Gas Leak Raises Fears Over China Network

Lucy Hornby
Financial Times
A brand new natural gas pipeline operated by CNPC in Yunnan sprung a leak, raising worries about the safety of China’s network of oil and gas pipes.

Wison Engineering Services Shares Details of a Corruption Investigation

Chris Buckley
New York Times
Wison’s disclosure is the latest public signs of a spreading corruption inquiry into the China National Petroleum Corporation that has brought down one senior Chinese Communist Party official.  

China’s New Leaders Exert Control Over Oil Company

Associated Press
The crackdown on China’s biggest company — also the second-largest oil company in the world — signals the new administration’s determination to exert control over the powerful sector, said Cheng Li, a Brookings Institution scholar. 

China Investigating More Top PetroChina Executives Over Corruption

Chen Aizhu and Charlie Zhu
A high-level government probe into corruption at China’s leading oil and gas firm widened on Tuesday, with three additional senior officials at the state-run giant being investigated over alleged wrongdoing, which is C.C.P. shorthand for graft...

China Tries to Improve Image in a Changing Myanmar

Jane Perlez and Bree Feng
New York Times
With its petrol projects challenged more than ever by activists energized by Myanmar’s democratic opening, China has been trying to repair its tarnished reputation among residents here, and in the country at large.