ChinaFile Recommends
01.18.18Oil Spill off China Coast Now the Size of Paris
An oil spill from an Iranian oil tanker that sank in the East China Sea is now the size of Paris.
ChinaFile Recommends
07.09.15Oil Prices Rise on China Recovery and Iran Deadlock
Wall Street Journal
Oil prices climb as Chinese stocks rebounded, easing concerns about China’s economic growth, and expectations of higher Iranian crude-oil exports receded.
ChinaFile Recommends
06.13.14Rigged: Comradely Relations Go From Bad to Worse
Vietnam and China share a long history of enmity—and of managing to patch things up when they go wrong. But their latest dispute is not running true to form.
ChinaFile Recommends
05.12.14China Says Vietnam Efforts to Rope in Others on Spat Will Fail
Tensions rose in the resource-rich South China Sea last week after China positioned a giant oil rig in an area also claimed by Vietnam. Each country accused the other of ramming its ships near the disputed Paracel Islands.
The Battle Over Ecuador’s Oil Takes New Twist
from chinadialogue
The announcement by Ecuador’s president, Rafael Correa, that he has abandoned a ground-breaking scheme stopping oil operations in the Amazon has led to a wave of protests across the country and speculation about why it failed.The stated aim of the...
ChinaFile Recommends
08.03.12The Perils of Private Enterprise: There Was Blood
A visitor to Jingbian county in northern Shaanxi province finds at its heart a thriving oil town in the grip of a state-owned company, Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum. Yanchang’s building, 12 storeys high, towers over the low-slung town. The company is...