The China Africa Project
China’s Economy is Slowing and That’s Really Bad News for Africa
Pretty much every major economic indicator suggests that the Chinese economy will continue its downward momentum in 2019. Industrial production, retail sales, and even the once red-hot property market are all showing real signs of weakness. Some...
ChinaFile Recommends
11.27.17Early China Indicators Signal That Economy Cooled This Month
Confidence among China’s sales managers and steel producers waned in November, matching the mood among international investors, while sentiment among small businesses improved, according to the earliest available indicators.
ChinaFile Recommends
09.07.16Goldman Sachs: China Signaling Further Stimulus on the Way
The bank pointed to China’s State Council meeting this week, which discussed plans to streamline the approval process for investment projects.
Sinica Podcast
Yiwu, a City at the Core of Cheap Chinese Goods
from Sinica Podcast
Renowned as a trading town during the Qing dynasty, the eastern city of Yiwu again became famous for its markets after China’s economic reforms kicked in during the 1980s. Since then, the metropolis of 1.2 million people has transformed into a hub...
China Analysts Should Talk to Each Other, Not at Each Other
On August 12, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) issued its annual report card on China’s economy and gave the country mixed grades, finding that its “economic transition will continue to be complex, challenging, and potentially bumpy.” In...
Sinica Podcast
Whose Century Is It, Anyway?
from Sinica Podcast
Veteran China journalists Mary Kay Magistad and Gady Epstein discuss the increasingly complex “frenemyship” of China and the United States, the South China Sea, the role of “old China hands,” and how the Middle Kingdom is changing the world and...
Caixin Media
Business Strategies for China’s Brewing Crisis
Not a single, modern-day entrepreneur or investor in China has had to experience a substantial and painful economic slowdown, let alone a recession. The reason is simple: Since the nation’s reform and opening campaign began in 1978, China has never...
ChinaFile Recommends
06.13.16China, Hong Kong Shares Fall as Global Investors Flee Risky Assets
Investors fretted ahead of this week's central bank meetings and Britain's referendum on whether to remain in the EU.
ChinaFile Recommends
02.22.16China’s Excess Production Has Intensified Slowdown, Business Group Says
New York Times
The failure of Chinese leaders to tackle the problem of excess industrial production has intensified an economic slowdown.
ChinaFile Recommends
12.15.15China’s Workers Are Fighting Back as Economic Dream Fades
Wall Street Journal
For workers like Li Jiang, factory closings represent a failed promise of a better life earned far from home.
ChinaFile Recommends
11.17.15Morgan Stanley: Here's What We Like in China
China's economic slowdown isn't spooking Morgan Stanley, which has its eye on the mainland's "new economy."
ChinaFile Recommends
11.12.15ChinaFile Recommends
10.01.15Jack Ma to US: Quit Worrying So Much About China
"You American people worry too much about the China economy," Ma said at the annual Clinton Global Initiative meeting.
ChinaFile Recommends
09.24.15ChinaFile Recommends
09.22.15Let’s Face It, China Runs U.S. Monetary Policy Now
What’s happening in China right now has limited the ability of the Federal Reserve Bank to do what’s right for the American economy.
ChinaFile Recommends
05.11.15China’s Best Economic Forecaster Says Economy Will Rebound Again This Year
The central bank cut the benchmark interest rate a third time in six months.
Caixin Media
Saudi Aramco’s Al-Falih on China Collaboration
Saudi Arabian Oil Company President and CEO Khalid A. Al-Falih has seen global oil prices rise and fall through at least six market cycles during his more than 30 years with the world’s largest crude producer and exporter.Al-Falih, 55, joined the...
ChinaFile Recommends
03.05.15China Lowers 2015 Economic Growth Target to Around 7 Percent
The growth target is lower than the 7.4-percent economic growth in 2014, its weakest annual expansion since 1990.
ChinaFile Recommends
01.23.15Who’s Afraid of China’s Economy Slowing? Not Alibaba’s Jack Ma
"If China still keeps 9 percent growth of the economy there must be something wrong. You will never see the blue sky. You will never see quality. China should pay attention to the quality of the economy," he said in a question-and-answer...
ChinaFile Recommends
01.21.15China Labor Activists Say Facing Unprecedented Intimidation
The number of strikes more than doubled in 2014 to 1,378 from 656 the year before, according to China Labor Bulletin, a Hong Kong-based advocacy group. April saw the biggest strike in decades, when about 40,000 employees of Adidas and Nike supplier...
ChinaFile Recommends
01.20.15Why Paul Krugman is Scared of China
"China scares me," he said Tuesday at the Asian Financial Forum in Hong Kong. "It scares me not because the policies have been wrong or anything, but because of the magnitude of the adjustment."
ChinaFile Recommends
01.19.155 Takeaways from China’s GDP
Wall Street Journal
For much of the last two decades, China has been working overtime to drive the growth of the world economy. Now, it’s slowing to suborbital speeds.
ChinaFile Recommends
01.19.15As Growth Slows, China Pins Hopes on Consumer Spending
New York Times
The economy increased by 7.3 percent in the last quarter of 2014 and 7.4 percent for the full year, the country’s National Bureau of Statistics said Tuesday. While many countries would welcome such growth, the rate fell short of the government’s...
ChinaFile Recommends
12.19.14China’s Housing Resists Efforts to Spur Market
New York Times
Every urban real estate market is different in mainland China, driven by myriad municipal and provincial regulations and the varying strength of local economies. But the outcome is the same: The property market is under serious pressure.
ChinaFile Recommends
12.17.14Diversity the New Game for Macau as Gambling Revenues Tumble
South China Morning Post
When inaugural chief executive Edmund Ho Hau-wah threw the liberalisation dice that took Macau's flagging gaming industry into the 21st century in 2002, few could have predicted its stellar rise to become the top city for global gaming, leaving...
ChinaFile Recommends
02.06.14China, the Death Star of Emerging Markets
On any list of banking accidents waiting to happen, China is assured a place at the very top. But could a crash there take the entire global economy down with it?
ChinaFile Recommends
10.23.13China Urges Economic Policy Implementation to Spur Rebound
China’s central government called for “unrelenting” implementation of its economic policies and reform measures to consolidate the nation’s recovery from a two-quarter slowdown and improve the quality of growth.
ChinaFile Recommends
10.23.13The Labor Shortage That Could End China’s Economic Boom
Foreign Affairs
Based on its track record, the purely economic dimensions of an economic transition don’t seem more daunting than the other feats the C.C.P. has pulled off. Instead, it’s the social and political dimensions of the demographic hangover that seem most...
ChinaFile Recommends
09.26.13How China Lost Its Mojo: One Town’s Story
Wall Street Journal
Low wages and easy access to overseas markets helped transform Yantian in the 90s from a sleepy agricultural hamlet to a manufacturing hub. Now, the number of foreign firms in town has dropped, due to rising labor costs, land shortages and fading...
ChinaFile Recommends
07.23.13China Must Deepen Reforms to Meet Economic Challenges
The new leadership has signalled it is prepared to tolerate slower growth to move the economy away from export-led growth and towards one driven by domestic demand, with 7 percent annual expansion seen as the bottom line.
ChinaFile Recommends
07.09.13Economists See Further Slowdown in China
Wall Street Journal
China’s continued slowdown is bad news for the global economy, as the U.S. recovery remains slow and the euro zone is mired in recession. At the same time, with export sales looking weak, Chinese manufacturers have little reason to invest in new...
How Should the World Prepare for a Slower China?
Get Ready for a Slower ChinaThe recent gyrations on the Chinese interbank market underscore that the chief risk to global growth now comes from China. Make no mistake: credit policy will tighten substantially in the coming months, as the government...
ChinaFile Recommends
05.07.13China Top Leaders Warn On Financial Risks As Rebound Falters
Macro-economic policies should be stabilized and micro controls in some sectors should be loosened, the Politburo Standing Committee said after what Xinhua said was a “special session” on the economy.
How Fast Is China’s Slowdown Coming, and What Should Beijing Do About It?
Slower Chinese GDP growth is not a bad thing if it’s happening for the right reasons. But it’s not happening for the right reasons.Instead of reining in credit to try to curb over-investment, Chinese authorities have allowed a renewed explosion in...
Caixin Media
03.23.13China’s Economic Policymakers Turning a Page
Written into the script for China’s once-in-a-decade leadership shuffle, confirmed at the recently concluded National People’s Congress, are macroeconomic policies for the new government that plot a course for future growth.The policy book has...
Economic Uncertainty Fuels Political Misgivings
He Jianan
China Leadership Monitor
Political uncertainty is inevitable as China prepares for this fall’s leadership transition. This year economic conditions are also unusually unpredictable. In particular, while China is undergoing an inevitable economic slowdown, few have a clear...
ChinaFile Recommends
08.01.12Chinese Property: The Most Important Sector in the World?
CHINA'S property market was once described as the "most important sector in the known universe" by Jonathan Anderson, formerly of UBS, a Swiss bank. It certainly felt that way on a recent visit to Sanya, the resort city in Hainan,...
ChinaFile Recommends
07.17.12More Slowdown in China (Audio Interview)
Peterson Institute for International Economics
Nicholas R. Lardy assesses the latest Chinese economic output numbers, which show that a drop in exports and housing investment are contributing to slower growth.
ChinaFile Recommends
07.16.12Wage Rises in China May Ease Slowdown
Wall Street Journal
Wages are still climbing rapidly in China and many companies are having trouble filling jobs despite the sharp economic slowdown here—evidence of a structural shortage in the labor market that may help China adjust to slower growth without political...
ChinaFile Recommends
07.13.12Deeper Slowdown Suspected in China
Wall Street Journal
Official data due this week are expected to show growth in China slowing to its lowest rate since the global financial crisis. But some economists say they are turning up evidence that the true picture could be even worse.
ChinaFile Recommends
07.09.125 Signs of the Chinese Economic Apocalypse
Foreign Policy
The lights are flickering in the world's economic powerhouse. Although China's outlook may still be positive by, say, European standards, the numbers show that the country's storied growth engine has slipped out of gear. Businesses...
ChinaFile Recommends
07.09.12A Hard Landing?
After three decades of annual growth averaging 10%, China's bullet-train economy is slowing markedly. Economic problems in Europe and the U.S. are stunting export growth, long the primary driver of China's economic miracle. Growth in...
ChinaFile Recommends
07.09.12Is the Chinese Economy Running Out of Steam
New Yorker
John King Fairbank, the father of Chinese studies in America, once described China as a “journalist’s dream and a statistician’s nightmare, with more human drama and fewer verifiable facts per square mile than anywhere else in the world.” These days...