New America

Since 1999, New America has nurtured a new generation of policy experts and public intellectuals. Today it is a community of innovative problem-solvers, combining core expertise in researching, reporting, and analysis with new areas of coding, data science, and human-centered design to experiment and innovate nationally and globally. It prizes intellectual and ideological independence and diversity, seeking to do its best work and to reflect the America we are becoming.

Last Updated: February 4, 2020



Human Resources Both Drive and Limit China’s Push for Automation

Muyi Xiao from New America
For China’s government planners, one of the most important roles for artificial intelligence (AI) and automation is addressing looming challenges in the labor market. After nearly four decades of the one-child policy, China’s aging population is...

The Vitamin C Cartel (Video)

New America
A Chinese cartel has come to control 100% of the Vitamin C that is contained in foods found in American supermarkets, an unprecedented circumstance which will have political and economic ramifications in the near future. 

American Policy Towards China: Getting Beyond the Friend-Or-Foe Fallacy

Ely Ratner and Steven Weber
New America
It is not widely accepted that any meaningful relationship can be boiled down to a single index that quantifies where it is at any moment and whether it is “better’’ or “worse” than a week or a month ago.