From their website:
chinadialogue is an independent organisation dedicated to promoting a common understanding of China’s urgent environmental challenges. Climate change, species loss, pollution, water scarcity and environment damage are challenges that concern all the world’s citizens, and the scale of China’s problems gives them global importance. Tackling these challenges demands a common effort and shared understanding. Here at chinadialogue we aim to identify, promote and support the unique voices (and the people behind them) that increase understanding, share precious experiences and inspire a higher awareness of the planet’s challenges, no matter whether these voices come from inside China or from around the world. chinadialogue is devoted to making such voices heard by a global audience, in a lively, convincing and multi-lingual fashion. It is our hope that in doing so, we can move closer to viable, equitable and real solutions to environmental problems.
chinadialogue is an independent, non-profit website based in London. It was launched on July 3, 2006. chinadialogue is funded by a range of institutional supporters, including several major charitable foundations.
Testing the Limits of China’s Environmental Law
from chinadialogueEnvironment
Crowded Beijing Revives Old Plan for New Overflow City
from chinadialogueEnvironment
China Enters the Garden of Eden
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Industrial Energy Efficiency Can Improve Air Quality
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Can the AIIB Support Asia’s Energy Revolution?
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Bike-Sharing Schemes: Flourishing or Running Riot?
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India and China Will Offset Trump’s Climate Backslide
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An Imperial Sheep Chase
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As the U.S. Steps Back, China Must Step up on Climate Leadership
from chinadialogueEnvironment
Source of Mekong, Yellow, and Yangtze Rivers Drying Up
from chinadialogueEnvironment
Chinese Consumers Adopt Greener Lifestyle
from chinadialogueEnvironment