
Supporting creativity wins on Chinese crowd-sourcing platform Demohour

Crowdsourcing has been around for awhile (this 2006 Wired article nicely lays out the concept). Over the last three years, crowdsourcing has been applied to fundraising with stunning results on Kickstarter and Indiegogo (“Go fund yourself”), and the experiments continue: Loudsauce is a “crowdfunded media buying platform” that encourages the growth of new media buying collectives to support cause-driven campaigns. So it’s not surprising that there would be a Chinese version of Kickstarter. Australia’s got Pozible; Brazil’s got Catarse. It makes sense that different kinds of communities would want their own crowdsourced funding sites because people have different stories about what they’re doing when they’re giving away money. You have to know your crowd to please it enough to support you financially. Those who succeed on these sites have to be experts at working their media and social network contexts (note: it’s hard work).

Arts, Urban Life