I’m Here to Meet a Wife
The Fei doctrine goes something like this: Chinese girls love Korean TV shows, saccharine melodramas like Boys Over Flowers or Hi! School: Love On, where men are romantics or rakes, and women are always drama queens. On screen, resistance is not just normal, but expected; bedtime can be tearful. When a reluctant girlfriend is pushed against a wall and forcefully kissed (a common TV trope), her lover is making a classic romantic move—the tutor Fei Ge calls it “the attacking position.”
“If you don’t teach her a lesson, someone else will,” Fei explained during his two-hour “Sexual Assertiveness” session, concluding a week-long tutorial offered by Puamap, a team of “professional” seduction artists, marketers, and makeover men. One of those lessons: “Start by kissing her on the neck. That’s why girls always shower before they go out, by the way.” His short spiky hair a flashy cobalt-gray, Fei is a slender man who specializes in “Tui Dao,” a mating style that translates as “push down” or, generously, “get laid.”
At Puamap, clients learn to “map” their way to success under the tutelage of local experts who have adapted Western techniques for the mainland market. In both the United States and China, such classes cater almost exclusively to men interested in women, and not vice versa. From forums where overseas students swapped tips about sex, the online pickup artist (PUA) business has grown into a movement whose followers, men seeking love but lacking the skill to achieve it, represent a base so wide it transcends class. In parts of rural China, single farmers must raise 100,000 yuan (about U.S.$15,000) to afford a bride. In cities like Wuhan and Beijing, busy millionaires spend that much simply to view potential wives in swimwear. Elite men pay matchmakers small fortunes to find women of the “perfect” age (26), skin and teeth (flawless), and sexual history (none). And in Chengdu in southwest China, I spent a week in October 2016 with a group of bachelors who’d spent U.S.$1,055 just learning how to meet them. . .