ChinaFile Recommends
10.07.15Dalai Lama: China More Concerned About Future Dalai Lamas Than I Am
"I have no concern," he told Amanpour in London, adding that it is "possible" he would be the last Dalai Lama.
What Will the TPP Mean for China?
On Monday, the U.S., Japan, and ten other countries concluded negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP—the largest regional trade accord in history. If approved, the agreement will set new terms for the nearly $28 trillion in trade and...
ChinaFile Recommends
10.05.15A Painting of China’s First Lady, Before a Rise to Stardom
New York Times
On the exhibition notes, the painting of Peng Liyuan by Jin Shangyi is identified only as “a well-known singer.”
The China Africa Project
Are the Good Times Over for China and Africa?
One of the prevailing media narratives of China’s recent economic turmoil is the effect that it could have on emerging markets, particularly in Africa. Now that the Chinese economy is showing real signs of slowing, the story goes, Beijing will soon...
ChinaFile Recommends
10.01.15China’s Latest Ally in Its Crackdown on Religion: The Pope
This week, Chinese president Xi Jinping and Pope Francis missed each other on their back-to-back visits to the United States.
ChinaFile Recommends
09.30.15China Says Arrests Two Japanese for Spying
Japan's Asahi newspaper said one man was taken into custody in China's northeast province of Liaoning near the border with North Korea and the other in the eastern province of Zhejiang near a military facility.
ChinaFile Recommends
09.29.15On U.S. Visit, China’s Xi Jinping Tries to Have It Both Ways
WSJ: China Real Time Report
Xi Jinping often seemed caught between two audiences—his skeptical hosts who needed gentle reassurance and the crowd back home who admire his firm rule and tough nationalism.
ChinaFile Recommends
09.29.15ChinaFile Recommends
09.29.15China's Xi Says To Prioritize Energy Cooperation With Iran
"(We) must prioritize energy and financial cooperation."
What’s China’s Mood Under Xi? New Data Gives a Glimpse
China, under the presidency of Xi Jinping, has invited a number of breathless pronouncements about the state of the country. Chinese media regularly conjure the “Chinese Dream,” one of Xi’s favored phrases, which means whatever readers want it to...
Caixin Media
Xi and Obama Should Make a BIT Breakthrough
President Xi Jinping has begun his first state visit to the United States to meet U.S. President Barack Obama in what state councilor and former foreign minister Yang Jiechi has called “a pivotal meeting at a critical time.”Xi arrived in the United...
ChinaFile Recommends
09.28.15China Angered By Hillary Clinton Tweet on Women's Rights
China has reacted furiously at Hillary Clinton's recent comments about China's record on women's rights.
ChinaFile Recommends
09.25.15Six Questions for Chinese President Xi Jinping
Washington Post
Chinese President Xi Jinping does not usually conduct open news conferences, but when in America, do as the Americans do.
ChinaFile Recommends
09.25.15China’s First Lady Tones Down Star Power
Wall Street Journal
On U.S. visit, Peng Liyuan must balance charity pursuits to not steal focus from Xi.
ChinaFile Recommends
09.25.15Obama, the Pope, and the President of China Are Teaming Up to Save the World
Mother Jones
Something big and strange is happening in the United States this week.
ChinaFile Recommends
09.25.15Enacting Cap-and-Trade Will Present Challenges Under China’s System
New York Times
White House officials have lauded President Xi Jinping's anticipated promise of a national market for China in greenhouse gas quotas.
ChinaFile Recommends
09.24.15Cultural Revolution Shaped Xi Jinping, From Schoolboy to Survivor
New York Times
When the pandemonium of the Cultural Revolution erupted, he was a 13-year-old who loved classical Chinese poetry. Two years later, adrift in a city torn apart by warring Red Guards, Xi Jinping had hardened into a combative street survivor.
ChinaFile Recommends
09.24.15Cultural Revolution Shaped Xi Jinping, From Schoolboy to Survivor
New York Times
Visiting the United States this week, Mr. Xi, 62, has presented himself as a polished statesman.
ChinaFile Recommends
09.24.15Two Very Different Men Visit D.C.: China’s Leader And His Teenage Nemesis
Washington Post
Xi Jinping will get a state dinner and a 21-gun salute while Joshua Wong is in town to talk about Hong Kong’s fight for self-determination.
ChinaFile Recommends
09.24.15China Dissident's Wife Rejects Invite to State Department
Associated Press
The United States has warned that the toughest crackdown in years on Chinese activists threatens to cloud the high-profile visit by Xi.
ChinaFile Recommends
09.24.15Missing From The U.S.-China Tech Summit Class Photo: Uber, Google, And Women
Business leaders from some of the biggest global names in technology gathered in Seattle for a meeting with Xi Jinping.
ChinaFile Recommends
09.24.15China to the U.S.: Return Our Fugitives
China has launched campaigns dubbed "Operation Foxhunt" and "Operation Skynet," aimed at returning suspected criminals from abroad to stand trial at home.
ChinaFile Recommends
09.24.15China's Xi Promises Better Investment Climate, Cyber War Deal Seen
Seeking to warm bilateral ties and project a sunny climate for U.S. business, Xi Jinping vowed to cut restrictions on foreign investment.
ChinaFile Recommends
09.23.15Conflict Flavors Obama’s Meeting With Chinese Leader
New York Times
This week’s meeting between President Obama and Mr. Xi is fraught with points of conflict, and its unspoken subtext is whether the president will confront the Chinese directly, deliberately causing friction in the relationship in hopes of drawing...
ChinaFile Recommends
09.23.15Why Tibet Could Be the Best Opportunity for Xi Jinping
Huffington Post
The state visit is a growing alarm about China's less than peaceful rise, and provides a rare opportunity for Obama to give an important message on Tibet.
ChinaFile Recommends
09.23.15Rights Protesters, China Supporters Greet President Xi in Seattle
About 100 people protesting against human rights abuses in China greeted President Xi Jinping in Seattle.
ChinaFile Recommends
09.23.15China's Xi Tells Foreign NGOs to Obey the Law
Agence France-Presse
Foreign organisations in China should "obey Chinese law".
ChinaFile Recommends
09.23.15He Said What? China's Xi Jinping Makes 'House of Cards' Joke
Xi Jinping did something unusual, almost unheard of, for a Chinese President: He cracked a joke. In public.
Xi Jinping’s Message to America
China’s President Xi Jinping addressed an audience of more than 700 American businesspeople in Seattle on Tuesday evening on the first stop on his first state visit to the United States. Regular ChinaFile Contributors who watched the speech offer...
Can the U.S. & China Make Peace in Cyberspace?
Chinese President Xi Jinping arrives in the United States today on his first state visit. Xi will address a group of American business leadersin Seattle. High on their list of concerns about trade with China is cyber hacking, cyber espionage and...
ChinaFile Recommends
09.22.15U.S. to China: Quit Cyber Spying
Xi said China's government does not engage in the theft of commercial secrets and does not support Chinese companies that do so.
ChinaFile Recommends
09.22.15Who Is Xi Jinping?
New York Times
President Xi Jinping of China is to arrive in the United States on Tuesday for a state visit at a crucial crossroads in the Sino-American relationship.
ChinaFile Recommends
09.21.15China Seeks 'New Model' for Relations with U.S.
Despite the enormous range and complexity of the US-China relationship, it is becoming ever harder to manage.
ChinaFile Recommends
09.21.15This Explains Why China Is Taking So Long to Reform Its Economic System
Washington Post
The new leadership is turning back to old measures to stimulate growth.
ChinaFile Recommends
09.21.15Neil Gaiman Joins Authors in Urging Chinese President to Release Jailed Writers
More than 40 authors have written to Xi Jinping, expressing ‘concern about the deteriorating state of free expression in China’.
ChinaFile Recommends
09.19.15U.S. and China Seek Arms Deal for Cyberspace
New York Times
The United States and China are secretly negotiating what could become the first arms control accord for cyberspace, embracing a commitment by each country that it will not be the first to use cyberweapons to cripple the other’s...
ChinaFile Recommends
09.19.15Western Media ‘Welcome’ in China, Xi Tells Murdoch
South China Morning Post
Chinese President Xi Jinping has told Rupert Murdoch that Western media organisations are “welcome” in China, despite the continued blocking of numerous foreign websites for their reporting on the country. “(We) welcome foreign media and...
ChinaFile Recommends
09.18.15ChinaFile Recommends
09.17.15Chinese State Visits Are Always Hard: A Historical Perspective
Brookings Institution
Visits to Washington always seem to come at uniquely difficult times.
What Would New Breakthroughs on Climate Change Mean for the U.S.-China Relationship?
With just over a week to go before Chinese President Xi Jinping begins his first State Visit to the United States, there is much evidence to suggest that bilateral action to fight climate change is an area most ripe for meaningful Sino-U.S...
ChinaFile Recommends
09.16.15The Missing Piece of US-China Relations: Trust
“U.S. antipathy to China is rooted in angst about its rise and the prospect of American decline.”
ChinaFile Recommends
09.16.15Obama and China: Trying to Play Well With A Close Frenemy
Washington Post
Obama plans to welcome Xi with the highest level of diplomatic pageantry for a foreign leader.
ChinaFile Recommends
09.15.15U.S. Won’t Impose Sanctions on Chinese Companies Before Xi Visit
Washington Post
Senior U.S. and Chinese officials reached “substantial agreement” on several cybersecurity issues.
ChinaFile Recommends
09.15.15China Frees Activist Academic Before Xi Trip to United States
Guo Yushan, founder of a think-tank that did research on business regulations, reform and civil society is released recently.
Advice for Xi Jinping
Later this month, Chinese President Xi Jinping will travel to Washington for a state visit with President Obama. This week, a group of China experts from America traveled to Beijing to offer their advice to Chinese officials on how to conduct the...
Caixin Media
Amnesty As a Stepping Stone to Rule of Law
A recent amnesty declaration affecting convicted criminals deemed no threat to society was a poignant reminder of China’s tradition of prudent punishment, support for human rights, and progress toward of rule of law.The recent decision by the...
The China Africa Project
South Africa’s Inexplicable Love Affair with China
While the recent economic turmoil in China is prompting a number of African countries to reconsider their growing economic dependence on the People’s Republic of China, not so in South Africa. Both the government and the ruling African National...
ChinaFile Recommends
09.04.15Seoul to Begin Discussions with Beijing on Unification
Korea Times
Park Gyun-hye said that Kim Jong-un is expected to take provocative actions in the future and it is important to deter them.
Who Is Xi Jinping? Introducing the Asia Society Podcast
from Asia Blog
Three years after Xi Jinping took control of China’s Communist Party and assumed the country’s leadership, he has emerged as one of the world’s most powerful people. But his tenure has also raised uncomfortable questions. Is he a reformer bent on...
ChinaFile Recommends
09.03.15China to Trim Military by 300,000
Wall Street Journal
One of the world's largest militaries undergoes reforms to make it more effective.
What Is China’s Big Parade All About?
On September 3, China will mark the 70th anniversary of its World War II victory over Japan with a massive parade involving thousands of Chinese troops and an arsenal of tanks, planes, and missiles in a tightly choreographed march across Tiananmen...
ChinaFile Recommends
08.31.15Rethinking the Obama-Xi Summit
How the U.S. might use the summit for a new “new model of great power relations.”
ChinaFile Recommends
08.31.15U.S. Developing Sanctions Against China over Cyberthefts
Washington Post
Obama is developing unprecedented economic sanctions against Chinese who have benefited from government cybertheft of U.S. trade secrets.
ChinaFile Recommends
08.29.15For China, a Plunge and a Reckoning
Wall Street Journal
Anyone trying to design an event to bring Xi Jinping’s China back to Earth couldn’t have engineered something much more elegant than the turmoil in China’s financial markets and the resulting global aftershocks. The upheaval is traumatic for China’s...
ChinaFile Recommends
08.28.15U.S., China Stress Positives Ahead of Xi Trip
The world's two largest economies have mutual interests, like trying to rein in North Korea's nuclear program, sevear deep disagreements exist.
ChinaFile Recommends
08.28.15A Mainstay of Presidential Campaigning: China-bashing
CBS News
Presidential candidates Trump, Walker, Rubio, Clinton and others are making politcal hay out of pitting the U.S. against China.
ChinaFile Recommends
08.25.15Donald Trump: No State Dinner—Only Big Mac—for China’s President
If elected, Trump vowed to eschew the lavish dinner Xi Jinping will get in Washington from President Obama.
ChinaFile Recommends
08.24.15Scott Walker Calls on Obama to Cancel Chinese State Visit
Amid rising tension, a Republican calls to end a diplomatic courtesy.
ChinaFile Recommends
08.24.15Japan Refuses to Take Part in China’s ‘Victory Day’ Event to Mark End of War
Shinzo Abe has decided against visiting Beijing for the event, partly to protest against China’s regional military build-up.