CCTV Network News Broadcast

Rough transcript, September 30, 2103

Following is a transcript of the network news broadcast of China Central Television on September 30, 2013:

央视网消息(新闻联播): 9月30日上午,在中华人民共和国64周年国庆前夕,

On the morning of September 30th, on the eve of the 64th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China National Day,


The political bureau of the CPC central committee implemented the ninth collective study entitled “Strategies for Innovation-Driven Development”.


When he hosted the study, CPC central committee general secretary Xi Jinping stressed


Implementation of innovation-driven development strategies will decide the fate of the Chinese nation.


The whole party and the whole society should be fully aware of the huge role of scientific and technological innovation,


sharply grasp the developming trend of global science and technology innovation,


seize the opportunities of the new wave of technological and industrial revolutions,


and implement innovation-driven development as a major strategy for facing the future.


This group study of the Political Bureau left Zhongnanhai and moved their “classroom” into Zhongguancun to integrate their research, explanations and discussion.


At 8:30 in the morning, Xi Jinping and other members of Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China set out from Zhongnanhai and went to Zhongguancun.


9 PM, Xi Jinping and other members went to the exhibition center of the Zhongguancun National Innovation Demonstration Zone, and they listened to the report from the director of Zhongguancun Administrative Committee of Zhongguancun Innovation and Development.


When Xi Jinping heard that Zhongguancun’s innovation efficiency improved significantly in recent years, and it should be built as a globally influential technology innovation center before 2020, he was very happy and expressed his affirmation.


Then, Xi Jinping and other members visited the exhibition hall. The elegant screens, pictures, and other works shown in the exhibition hall demonstrated a series of international top-level innovative products from the science and technology innovation enterprises and scientific research units.


In exhibition halls of 3D printing, integrated circuit equipment, a new generation of information technology, energy conservation and environmental protection, new materials, biological and health research, aerospace and other galleries,


Xi Jinping observed carefully, asked for information, and had a deep conversation with the head of these enterprises and with a researcher. He asked about the technology development and application situation about add material manufacturing, cloud computing, big data, high-end servers, water treatment, nanometer material, biological chip, agriculture precise biological breeding of crops, and quantum communication.


Xi Jinping gave a high evaluation of the researchers for their determined and bravely scientific spirit, and constantly grasped the technological core and had a breakthrough.


After the visiting, Xi Jinping came to the meeting room of exhibition center, and listened to the report of the overall situation of China’s scientific and technological innovation from S&T Minister Wan gang. And they discussed about the implement of Innovation Driven Development strategy.


Xi Jinping delivered an important speech when he hosted the learning. He stressed that the national science and technology was more prosperous, then the nation would be more prosperous, and technology was stronger, then our country would be stronger.


The 18th Congress of CPC had made a big decision to implement the Innovation driven development strategy, and stressed that scientific and technological innovation was a strategic support of improving the social productivity and comprehensive national strength, so it must be placed in the core of the national development.


The major strategic choice made by the CPC central committee and based on the general analysis of homeland and abroad, it had a very important significance.


Xi jinping pointed out that science and technology promoted economic and social development had become the main force currently from global, innovation represented the general trend.


A new round revolution of Science & Technology (S&T) and Industry Change was breeding. Some important scientific problems and key technology has been shown a revolutionary breakthrough, they were led to key technologies’ merging, group by leaps, and the energy of Change & Breakthrough was accumulated.


The upcoming of the new round of technological revolution and industrial revolution and accelerate transformation of the mode of economic development in our country, the two trends had formed a historic intersection. It was provided for us a rare big opportunity to implement the Innovation Driven Development Strategy.


Chances easier missed than Seized, so it was maybe an opportunity, or a challenge.


We must strengthen the suffering consciousness, grasp and use the opportunity of science and technology revolution and new industry, we couldn’t wait, hesitate and slack off.


Xi stressed that innovation drive was forced by the domestic situation.


China’s economic aggregate had become 2th in the world, there were a new big step of productive forces and overall national strength, science and technology strength.


At the same time, our country had many problems about developing unbalanced, uncoordinated, unsustainable, and the pressure of population, resources and environment.


Material resources must be less, while science and technology talents must be more and more if we used well.


We want to promote the synchronous development of new industrialization, informationization, urbanization and agricultural modernization, and we must drive into the innovation development track, release the scientific and technological innovation potential, and give full play to the role of scientific and technological progress and innovation.


Xi jinping pointed out that the implementation of Innovation Driven Development Strategy is a systematic project. It had involved in all aspects of work and we need to do a lot of things.


The most urgent thing is to emancipate the mind, accelerate the speed of the reform of the science and technology system, and break all concepts and institutional obstacles that obstacle the Innovation Driven Development.


Xi jinping put forward five tasks. Firstly, we will focus on promoting S&T innovation and economic and social development. The key is to deal with the relationship between government and market, construct a channel between the S&T and economic and social development by reform, make the market become the power of  innovation resources configuration and make the enterprises become the main body of technological innovation.


The government should be do actively in the field of national economy and people’s livelihood and industry lifeline, strengthen the support and coordination, determine the general technical direction and route, make a good use of the national science and technology significant special projects and major engineering, concentrate on the S&T peak.


Secondly, we should focus on enhancing the capability of independent innovation. The key is to greatly improve the capability of independent innovation, and strive to grasp the core technology.


It is imperative that we must improve the incentive mechanism, perfect the policy environment, stimulate the enthusiasm and initiative of innovation from material and spiritual inspire, adhere to the S&T development matching for economic and social development, deployment the innovation chain according to the industry chain, perfect the capital chain according to the innovation chain, eliminate the phenomenon of “islanding” of science and technology innovation, break the restriction of scientific and technological achievements’ transfer and utilization, improve the whole efficiency of national innovation system.


Thirdly, it is important to consummate the talent development mechanism. We must make good use of talents, establish more flexible talent management mechanism, break the restriction of system and mechanism and make it benefit to the flow of talents and the utilization of talents. We must utmost support and help science and technology personnel to innovation and entrepreneurship. We must deepen the reform of the education, promote quality education, innovate the education method, improve the quality of talent cultivation, and try to build an educational environment that benefit to the growth of innovative talents. And we must bring in excellent overseas talents, draw up a more active project to bring in international talents, and attract more overseas innovative talents come back to China.


Fourth, we must focus on creating a favorable policy environment. We must increase government investment in science and technology, guide the enterprises and the society to increase spending on research and development, strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights, perfect the tax policy of promoting enterprise technology innovation, increase the support of the capital market to the S&T enterprises.


Fifth, we must expand openness and cooperation of science and technology, deepen the international exchanges and cooperation, make full use of the global innovation resources, promote self-dependent innovation at a higher starting point, and contribute to cope with the global challenge with the international scientific and technological circles.


Finally, Xi jinping pointed out that Zhongguancun should devote greater effort to implement the Innovation Driven Development Strategy, speed up to be the global science and technology innovation center, and play an exemplary role in the National Innovation Driven Development Strategy.


Zhongguancun was the first High-Tech Park in our country, and also the first national independent innovation demonstration zone. 20 years past, Zhongguancun gathered 20,000 new high-tech enterprises, and got the revenue about 2.5 trillion yuan last year,1.56 million people worked there. The exhibition center of Zhongguancun national innovation demonstration zone is a platform and window of showing the Zhongguancun’s innovation achievements, and it is also an important scientific base in Beijing.

CCTV, Innovation