Timothy A. Grose is an Associate Professor of China Studies at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. His work on Uyghur ethno-national identity and ethnic policy in China has been published in The China Journal, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Hau, and other leading academic journals. His 2019 book Negotiating Inseparability in China (Hong Kong University Press) was awarded the 2020 Central Eurasian Studies Society book prize in the social sciences. His commentary on state violence in the Uyghur homeland has been featured in Al-Jazeera, BBC, CNN, and Vice, among other media outlets.

Last Updated: May 9, 2024
Beijing’s Culinary Crusade: Erasing Uyghur Identity through Food
Instruction began early on a November 2018 morning. This lesson was not taught in a classroom, but in a makeshift kitchen as part of Xinjiang’s “household school” program. There, a teacher stood before her class of adult women and asked: “What do...
How the CCP Took over the Most Sacred of Uighur Rituals
The rooster hadn’t even stopped his crowing when the police arrived at my Uighur host’s courtyard in rural Turpan one early spring morning in 2008. Although they spoke calmly, almost apologetically, the uniformed Uighur officers demanded that the...
‘Once Their Mental State Is Healthy, They Will Be Able to Live Happily in Society’
We should pause before impetuously tracing the practice of describing Islam as an illness, disease, or even cancer to “Western” politicians. While the United States-led “War on Terror” and subsequent global anxieties over Islam have undeniably...
Why China Is Banning Islamic Veils
This week, regional authorities outlawed Islamic veils from all public spaces in the regional capital of China’s Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region (XUAR). The Urumqi ban, which went into effect on Sunday February 1 (coincidentally the third annual*...