Mark Akpaninyie is a Research Assistant at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). He previously was a Research and Special Assistant for the late Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski at CSIS and a researcher with the CSIS Freeman Chair in China Studies. Prior to joining CSIS, he lived in China for over three years, serving as a Fellow with Teach For China and then a lecturer at Baoshan University. He is a member of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations and a Young Leader with Pacific Forum. He graduated with a B.A. in Public Policy Studies from the Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke University.
Last Updated: February 15, 2019
The China Africa Project
05.17.19Why China’s ‘Debt Trap Diplomacy’ Critics Are Wrong
China’s critics, led largely by the United States, are determined to warn developing countries about the risks of borrowing too much money from Beijing. They contend China will use these loans to financially entrap economically vulnerable countries...
02.15.19China is Upping Its Aid and Development Game. How Should the U.S. Respond?
During his September 2018 U.N. address, President Donald Trump threatened that the United States may decide to only give foreign aid to “those who respect us and, frankly, are our friends.” In August, the White House attempted to cut foreign aid...