Liu Xiaobo was a Chinese literary critic, writer, and human rights activist. He received a Ph.D. in literature from Beijing Normal University and taught at that institution, as well as the University of Oslo, the University of Hawaii, and Columbia University. From 2003 to 2007, he served as President of the Independent Chinese PEN Center. He was one of the primary authors of Charter 08, a document calling for more freedom of expression and democratic activity in China. In 2010, Liu received the Nobel Peace Prize. He was imprisoned four times for his writings and human rights activities, and in July 2017 died eight years into an 11-year prison term for “inciting subversion of state power.”

Last Updated: July 19, 2017
The NYRB China Archive
01.15.09China’s Charter 08
from New York Review of Books
The document below, signed by more than two thousand Chinese citizens, was conceived and written in conscious admiration of the founding of Charter 77 in Czechoslovakia, where, in January 1977, more than two hundred Czech and Slovak intellectuals...