Jenny Hayward-Jones is a Nonresident Fellow and former Director of the Melanesia Program at the Lowy Institute. Prior to joining the Lowy Institute, Hayward-Jones was an officer in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade for 13 years. She worked as Policy Adviser to the Special Coordinator of the Regional Assistance Mission to Solomon Islands in 2003-2004. Hayward-Jones holds a B.A. (Hons) in Political Science from Macquarie University and a M.A. in Foreign Affairs and Trade from Monash University. She is the author of various papers on Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Solomon Islands, and the changing geo-strategic environment in the South Pacific.

Last Updated: February 1, 2018
Should Pacific Island Nations Be Wary of Chinese Influence?
British Prime Minister Theresa May’s three-day visit to China, from January 31 to February 2, has amplified ongoing debates in Europe about the costs and benefits of engagement with China and of Chinese investment. Attention to China’s role in...