Fei Teng received his bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mathematics from Tsinghua University in 1998, and his MSc and Ph.D in Management Science in the School of Public Policy and Management at Tsinghua University in 2003. Teng finished his postdoctoral research in France in 2004. He is now an associate professor in the Institute of Energy, Environment, and Economy at Tsinghua University. He is also a lead author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Assessment Report, Working Group III. He is lead author on the Second and Third China National Assessment Report on Climate Change, and a member of the drafting team for several key national documents, including the National Plan on Climate Change and the White Paper on Climate Change. He served as an advisory expert for China’s negotiation team under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change for many years. He is also member of BASIC (Brazil, South Africa, India, China) expert group in BASIC ministerial meetings since 2011. His research interests include climate policy, international climate regimes, consumer behavior in energy consumption, and energy modeling.
Last Updated: September 23, 2015
What Would New Breakthroughs on Climate Change Mean for the U.S.-China Relationship?
With just over a week to go before Chinese President Xi Jinping begins his first State Visit to the United States, there is much evidence to suggest that bilateral action to fight climate change is an area most ripe for meaningful Sino-U.S...