Arthur Waldron is a China specialist who teaches international relations at the University of Pennsylvania. He received his A.B. in 1971 and his Ph.D in 1981, both from Harvard. Overseas he has studied in France, the former USSR, Taiwan, and Japan. He was a post-doctoral fellow at Princeton University starting in 1981 and taught there until 1991. Thereafter, he was professor of strategy at the US Naval War College in Newport, RI and adjunct professor at Brown University, until moving to Philadelphia in 1997. Professor Waldron is the author of three monographs: The Great Wall of China: From History to Myth (Cambridge University Press, 1989), How the Peace Was Lost (Hoover Institution Press, 1992), and From War to Nationalism: China’s Turning Point 1924-1925 (Cambridge University Press, 1993), as well as editor of or contributor to more than twenty other books. Professor Waldron has visited China dozens of times.

Last Updated: April 6, 2021



How Should the U.S. Conduct the Xi Jinping State Visit?

Evan A. Feigenbaum, Arthur Waldron & more
As tensions increase between China and the United States over the value of the yuan, human rights violations, alleged cyber attacks, and disputed maritime territories, among other issues, how should the Obama administration conduct the upcoming...



25 Years On, Can China Move Past Tiananmen?

Xu Zhiyuan, Arthur Waldron & more
Xu Zhiyuan:Whenever the massacre at Tiananmen Square twenty-five years ago comes up in conversation, I think of Faulkner’s famous line: “The past is never dead. It’s not even past.”Some believe that China’s economic growth and rise to international...



What Should the U.S. Do about China’s Barring Foreign Reporters?

Nicholas Lemann, Michel Hockx & more
Last week, the White House said it was “very disappointed” in China for denying a visa to another journalist working for The New York Times in Beijing, forcing him to leave the country after eight years. What else should the U.S. government...

My First Trip


Busman’s Holiday

Arthur Waldron
The train from the old Kowloon station rumbled as it passed the Chinese border fence on its way to Canton and came to a lurching halt. It was a late summer day in 1981; I was thirty-two years old and now, as I reflected with deep satisfaction, no...