Yawei Liu directs the China Program at The Carter Center. He is the Zijiang Professor of Political Science at East China Normal University in Shanghai and teaches contemporary Chinese politics at Emory University in Atlanta. He edits the websites China Elections and Governance and US-China Perception Monitor.
Last Updated: September 7, 2017
China’s Communist Party Is About to Meet. Here’s What You Should Know.
The Chinese Communist Party will hold its 19th Party Congress on October 18, marking the end of the first term of General Secretary Xi Jinping. In a leadership reshuffle, Xi is expected to promote allies to the Party’s key decision-making body, the...
The China Africa Project
The U.S. and China Spend Millions Fighting Malaria in Africa, So Why Don’t They Work Together?
Both the United States and People’s Republic of China (P.R.C.) spend hundreds of millions of dollars to fight malaria in Africa. A pair of experts at the Carter Center in Atlanta, Georgia contend that if the U.S. and P.R.C. stopped working in...
Should China Support Russia in Ukraine?
Alexander V. Pantsov: The Chinese Communist Party leadership has always maintained: “China believes in non-interference in internal affairs.” In the current Ukrainian situation it is the most we can expect from the P.R.C. because it is not able to...