China's Social Media Giants Want Their Users to Help out with the Crushing Burden of Censorship

China’s social media giants are ramping up efforts to get their users to turn in people circulating taboo content, as the Communist Party further tightens its grip on the country’s internet.

Chinese ‘Generation Zen’ Millennials Choosing Smartphones over Communist Values

China’s ruling communist party is concerned that swathes of politically apathetic millennials, branded the ‘Zen-generation’, are sauntering through life in a passive and unpatriotic way - raising doubts about their loyalty to the Chinese Communist Party.

The China Trade War Has Already Begun: CEO Daily for January 4, 2018

Gordon Orr, director emeritus of McKinsey and long-time China hand, wrote recently that many Chinese investors now simply assume that they could not get approval for investment in the United States, and so won’t try.”