Vaccine Scandal Rocks China

China was rocked last month by another public health scandal, after Chinese police announced the discovery of a criminal organization selling millions of improperly stored vaccines in 24 provinces and municipalities. The affected vaccines have a total value of 570 million yuan (U.S.$88 million) and include many of the most common inoculations, ranging from hepatitis to rabies.

Friso M.S. Stevens

Friso M.S. Stevens is a jurist and political writer from Amsterdam currently studying International Relations at the School of International Studies, Peking University. He has published several articles in Dutch policy journals, focusing on security issues and China and East Asian affairs. Before coming to Beijing, Stevens lived in Chicago and Washington, D.C., and since 2010 has engaged in non-profit work for unprivileged children in Indonesia.

Race, Culture, and the Politics of Being Black in China

A China in Africa Podcast

Being black in China is not easy, but it’s not as bad as many would have you think, according to our two guests this week, who are both black immigrants currently living in Beijing. Sure, people stare a lot and there are often some inappropriate questions about hair and skin color, but more often than not, says Black Lives in China creator Nicole Bonnah, those awkward questions come from a good place: curiosity.