Baby Hatch Programs Struggle to Cope With Number of Infants With Birth Defects

State Facilities Set Quickly Overwhelmed

Giving birth to her first baby granted Zheng Yuling no happiness, but instead brought pain and sadness. The seriously ill girl died hours after birth, and Zheng's husband, Chen Dafu, was arrested on suspicion he abandoned the newborn.

Their baby was found dead at the door of the Guangzhou Baby Safety Island around noon on February 23. It was the first dead baby received by the experimental service, which was provided by the southern city to consist of a baby hatch operated by an orphanage called the Guangzhou Social Welfare Institute. But the experiment proved to be short lived.

Frank Ching

Frank Ching is a writer and university lecturer who has reported and commented on events in Asia, particularly China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, for many years. He worked for The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and the Far Eastern Economic Review. He opened The Wall Street Journal’s bureau in China in 1979, after the normalization of U.S.-China relations, thus becoming one of the first four American newspaper reporters to be based in Beijing since 1949.

Think Renting in Your City is Bad? Try Beijing

Can China’s Renters Survive the Demands and Costs in the Country’s Cities?

Compared with the numbers of a few years ago, first and second tier cities in China have an oversupply of stock on the housing market. Additionally, restrictions on multiple-home purchases are easing and “expected to be eased completely,” according to China Daily. That’s good news for city residents, right?

Joseph Cheng

Joseph Cheng joined the City University of Hong Kong in July 1992 as Professor of Political Science. Before that, he taught at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (1977-1989) and the Open Learning Institute of Hong Kong (1989-1991). In 1991-92, he was a full-time member of the Central Policy Unit, Government of Hong Kong. He received his undergraduate and postgraduate degrees at the University of Hong Kong, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, and the Flinders University of South Australia. He was the founding editor of both The Hong Kong Journal of Social Sciences and The Journal of Comparative Asian Development, as well as the founding President of the Asian Studies Association of Hong Kong.

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Want to Hire a Private Car in China? There Will Be No App for That

“Banning private cars from using the apps will put passengers at ease,” the ministry said. “But apps for premium car services have an innovative service model and play a positive role in meeting the high-end and differentiated transportation market,” it said.